Hmmm, interesting. Without thinking about it much,
I like the idea of having the ability to know when
something unexpected happens, I wonder how
many developer-hours have been wasted tracking
down rq=blah rather than fq=blah...

Now if you would do a check that would catch it
when I put in df rathern than qf for edismax....


On Mon, Mar 10, 2014 at 2:10 PM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
> On 3/10/2014 7:20 AM, Erick Erickson wrote:
>> Hmmm, scanning just Noble's comment it's even worse since we have custom
>> components that may define their own params that other components know
>> nothing about (and can't).
>> But I'm glancing at this out of context so may be off in the weeds.
> Noble's comment is in response to something I said that came out of left
> field.  It probably shouldn't have been mentioned there, especially on a
> closed issue.
> Specifically, I have been assuming for a while now (because of some past
> precedents) that Solr will be moving towards hard failures with any
> unknown parameter.
> It sounds like that's not going to actually happen, at least not anytime
> soon.  In order to even be possible in the context of custom components,
> the check would have to happen after all components have consumed their
> options, and the custom code would need to *remove* options from the
> NamedList rather than just read them.
> -----
> It does bring up an improvement idea though - a requestHandler
> configuration option for the handling of unknown parameters.  I
> personally would like to know when our code is using unknown parameters
> so that the code can be updated.
> There would be three possible settings.  Setting #1 is just as it is now
> - unknown parameters are completely ignored.  Setting #2 would log a
> warning and process the request.  Setting #3 would fail the request with
> some 4xx HTTP error.
> I'm sure there would be a lot of debate about this new option,
> especially on the subject of when/if we need to change the default from
> setting #1.
> Thanks,
> Shawn
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