
Out of curiosity, I searched if we can have a nocommit comment in the code
fail the commit. As far as I see, we try to avoid accidental commits (of say
debug messages) by putting a nocommit comment, but I don't know if "svn ci"
would fail in the presence of such comment - I guess not because we've seen
some accidental nocommits checked in already in the past.

So I Googled around and found that if we have control of the svn repo, we
can add a pre-commit hook that will check and fail the commit. Here is a
nice article that explains how to add pre-commit hooks in general (
http://wordaligned.org/articles/a-subversion-pre-commit-hook). I didn't try
it yet (on our local svn instance), so I cannot say how well it works, but
perhaps someone has experience with it ...

So if this is interesting, and is doable for Lucene (say, open a JIRA issue
for Infra?) I don't mind investigating it further and write the script
(which can be as simple as 'grep the changed files and fail on the presence
of nocommit string').


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