I was curious if it would make sense to provide a "default" command for
atomic updates. Here is the use-case I am looking at... I want to keep
track of the indexed-on date which is a snapshot in time of when that
particular document was indexed for the first time. Currently I have that
value stored and the value is set to "NOW" as the default value in the
schema. Now, I want to actually set this value in the update chain prior to
the distributed index request so all replicas obtain the exact same value.
Unfortunately there isn't a way to specify use this new "NOW" date *only*
if the value hasn't been indexed prior, so I was thinking that this can be
simply handled by a "default" atomic update key that would only apply the
value if the document that is to being merged doesn't already have a value
specified. In addition to the validity of that thought, I was wondering if
people would find it beneficial to allow sub-classing of the
DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory (currently unable to due to inner
classes) or at a minimum allow clients to specify their own merge logic
implementation if they see fit.

I would be happy to provide some patches if people think these are
reasonable use-cases.



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