Cool! I'm getting to this on a weekend.

On Tue, Dec 21, 2010 at 11:44, Michael Busch <> wrote:
> After merging trunk into the RT branch it's finally compiling again and
> up-to-date.
> Several tests are failing now after the merge (43 out of 1427 are failing),
> which is not too surprising, because so many things have changed
> (segment-deletes, flush control, termsHash refactoring, removal of doc
> stores, etc).
> Especially IndexWriter and DocumentsWriter are in a somewhat messy state,
> but I wanted to share my current state, so I committed the merge.  I'll try
> this week to understand the new changes (especially deletes) and make them
> work with the DWPT.  The following areas need work:
>  * deletes
>  * thread-safety
>  * error handling and aborting
>  * flush-by-ram (LUCENE-2573)
> Also, some tests deadlock.  Not surprisingly either, cause flushcontrol etc.
> introduce new synchronized blocks.
> Before the merge all tests were passing, except the ones testing
> flush-by-ram functionality.  I'll keep working on getting the branch back
> into that state again soon.
> Help is definitely welcome!  I'd love to get this branch ready so that we
> can merge it into trunk as soon as possible.  As Mike's experiments show
> having DWPTs will not only be beneficial for RT search, but also increase
> indexing performance in general.
>  Michael
> PS: Thanks for the patience!
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