There is an NPE happening here, triggered by something timing related 
/ not easily reproducible.

Filed SOLR-6632, noble mentioned on IRC that he'd dig into it.

: Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 07:06:57 +0000 (UTC)
: From: Policeman Jenkins Server <>
: To:,,,
: Subject: [JENKINS] Lucene-Solr-5.x-MacOSX (64bit/jdk1.7.0) - Build # 1849 -
:     Still Failing!
: Build:
: Java: 64bit/jdk1.7.0 -XX:-UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseParallelGC
: 1 tests failed.
: Error Message:
: Error CREATEing SolrCore 'halfcollection_shard1_replica1': Unable to create 
core [halfcollection_shard1_replica1] Caused by: null
: Stack Trace:
: org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer$RemoteSolrException: Error 
CREATEing SolrCore 'halfcollection_shard1_replica1': Unable to create core 
[halfcollection_shard1_replica1] Caused by: null
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at
:       at
:       at 
:       at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor54.invoke(Unknown Source)
:       at 
:       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at 
:       at
: Build Log:
: [...truncated 11439 lines...]
:    [junit4] Suite:
:    [junit4]   2> Creating dataDir: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357416 T9616 oas.SolrTestCaseJ4.buildSSLConfig Randomized 
ssl (false) and clientAuth (false)
:    [junit4]   2> 4357416 T9616 
oas.BaseDistributedSearchTestCase.initHostContext Setting hostContext system 
property: /_zql/q
:    [junit4]   2> 4357423 T9616 oas.SolrTestCaseJ4.setUp ###Starting 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357425 T9616 STARTING ZK TEST SERVER
:    [junit4]   1> client port:
:    [junit4]   2> 4357427 T9617 oasc.ZkTestServer$ZKServerMain.runFromConfig 
Starting server
:    [junit4]   2> 4357528 T9616 start zk server on 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357528 T9616 
oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkCredentialsToAddAutomatically Using default 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357530 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4357535 T9623 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher name:ZooKeeperConnection 
Watcher: got event WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None 
path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4357535 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4357536 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkACLProvider Using 
default ZkACLProvider
:    [junit4]   2> 4357536 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: /solr
:    [junit4]   2> 4357544 T9616 
oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkCredentialsToAddAutomatically Using default 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357547 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4357550 T9625 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher 
name:ZooKeeperConnection Watcher: got event WatchedEvent 
state:SyncConnected type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4357551 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4357551 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkACLProvider Using 
default ZkACLProvider
:    [junit4]   2> 4357551 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357557 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357564 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357570 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357576 T9616 oasc.AbstractZkTestCase.putConfig put 
 to /configs/conf1/solrconfig.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4357577 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357586 T9616 oasc.AbstractZkTestCase.putConfig put 
 to /configs/conf1/schema.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4357587 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357593 T9616 oasc.AbstractZkTestCase.putConfig put 
 to /configs/conf1/solrconfig.snippet.randomindexconfig.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4357594 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357600 T9616 oasc.AbstractZkTestCase.putConfig put 
 to /configs/conf1/stopwords.txt
:    [junit4]   2> 4357601 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357608 T9616 oasc.AbstractZkTestCase.putConfig put 
 to /configs/conf1/protwords.txt
:    [junit4]   2> 4357608 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357615 T9616 oasc.AbstractZkTestCase.putConfig put 
 to /configs/conf1/currency.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4357615 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357621 T9616 oasc.AbstractZkTestCase.putConfig put 
 to /configs/conf1/enumsConfig.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4357622 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357628 T9616 oasc.AbstractZkTestCase.putConfig put 
 to /configs/conf1/open-exchange-rates.json
:    [junit4]   2> 4357628 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357635 T9616 oasc.AbstractZkTestCase.putConfig put 
 to /configs/conf1/mapping-ISOLatin1Accent.txt
:    [junit4]   2> 4357636 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357642 T9616 oasc.AbstractZkTestCase.putConfig put 
 to /configs/conf1/old_synonyms.txt
:    [junit4]   2> 4357643 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4357650 T9616 oasc.AbstractZkTestCase.putConfig put 
 to /configs/conf1/synonyms.txt
:    [junit4]   2> 4357651 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> Using old style solr.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4359308 T9616 oejs.Server.doStart jetty-8.1.10.v20130312
:    [junit4]   2> 4359325 T9616 oejs.AbstractConnector.doStart Started 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359329 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359332 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome JNDI 
not configured for solr (NoInitialContextEx)
:    [junit4]   2> 4359333 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome using 
system property solr.solr.home: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359334 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.<init> new 
SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359396 T9616 oasc.ConfigSolr.fromFile Loading container 
configuration from 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359472 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.<init> New CoreContainer 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359473 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.load Loading cores into 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359474 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting socketTimeout to: 120000
:    [junit4]   2> 4359474 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting urlScheme to: null
:    [junit4]   2> 4359475 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting connTimeout to: 15000
:    [junit4]   2> 4359475 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxConnectionsPerHost to: 20
:    [junit4]   2> 4359475 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxConnections to: 10000
:    [junit4]   2> 4359475 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting corePoolSize to: 0
:    [junit4]   2> 4359476 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maximumPoolSize to: 2147483647
:    [junit4]   2> 4359477 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxThreadIdleTime to: 5
:    [junit4]   2> 4359477 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting sizeOfQueue to: -1
:    [junit4]   2> 4359477 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting fairnessPolicy to: false
:    [junit4]   2> 4359478 T9616 oasu.UpdateShardHandler.<init> Creating 
UpdateShardHandler HTTP client with params: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359478 T9616 oasl.LogWatcher.createWatcher SLF4J impl is 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359479 T9616 oasl.LogWatcher.newRegisteredLogWatcher 
Registering Log Listener [Log4j (org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory)]
:    [junit4]   2> 4359479 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.load Host Name:
:    [junit4]   2> 4359479 T9616 oasc.ZkContainer.initZooKeeper Zookeeper 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359479 T9616 oasc.ZkController.checkChrootPath zkHost 
includes chroot
:    [junit4]   2> 4359480 T9616 
oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkCredentialsToAddAutomatically Using default 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359482 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4359485 T9636 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher 
name:ZooKeeperConnection Watcher: got event WatchedEvent 
state:SyncConnected type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4359486 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4359488 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkACLProvider Using 
default ZkACLProvider
:    [junit4]   2> 4359493 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4359496 T9638 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher 
name:ZooKeeperConnection Watcher: got event WatchedEvent 
state:SyncConnected type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4359496 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4359499 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359507 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359515 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359523 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359531 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359539 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359543 T9616 oasc.ZkController.createEphemeralLiveNode 
Register node as live in ZooKeeper:/live_nodes/
:    [junit4]   2> 4359545 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359552 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359557 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359562 T9616 oasc.Overseer.close Overseer (id=null) closing
:    [junit4]   2> 4359567 T9616 oasc.OverseerElectionContext.runLeaderProcess 
I am going to be the leader
:    [junit4]   2> 4359567 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359573 T9616 oasc.Overseer.start Overseer 
(id=92636811450908675- starting
:    [junit4]   2> 4359579 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359603 T9616 oasc.OverseerAutoReplicaFailoverThread.<init> 
Starting OverseerAutoReplicaFailoverThread 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359605 T9640 Process 
current queue of collection creations
:    [junit4]   2> 4359608 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359615 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359619 T9616 
oascc.ZkStateReader.createClusterStateWatchersAndUpdate Updating cluster state 
from ZooKeeper... 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359631 T9639 oasc.Overseer$ Starting 
to work on the main queue
:    [junit4]   2> 4359645 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359646 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
SolrDispatchFilter.init() done
:    [junit4]   2> 4359647 T9616 
oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkCredentialsToAddAutomatically Using default 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359648 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4359652 T9644 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher 
name:ZooKeeperConnection Watcher: got event WatchedEvent 
state:SyncConnected type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4359652 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4359652 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkACLProvider Using 
default ZkACLProvider
:    [junit4]   2> 4359655 T9616 
oascc.ZkStateReader.createClusterStateWatchersAndUpdate Updating cluster state 
from ZooKeeper... 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359665 T9616 oasc.ChaosMonkey.monkeyLog monkey: init - 
expire sessions:false cause connection loss:false
:    [junit4]   2> 4359666 T9616 
oasc.AbstractFullDistribZkTestBase.createJettys Creating collection1 with 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359666 T9616 
oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkCredentialsToAddAutomatically Using default 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359667 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4359670 T9646 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher 
name:ZooKeeperConnection Watcher: got event WatchedEvent 
state:SyncConnected type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4359670 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4359670 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkACLProvider Using 
default ZkACLProvider
:    [junit4]   2> 4359675 T9647 
oasc.DistributedQueue$LatchChildWatcher.process LatchChildWatcher fired on 
path: /overseer/queue state: SyncConnected type NodeChildrenChanged
:    [junit4]   2> 4359683 T9639 
oasc.Overseer$ClusterStateUpdater.buildCollection building a new collection: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359683 T9639 
oasc.Overseer$ClusterStateUpdater.createCollection Create collection 
collection1 with shards [shard1, shard2]
:    [junit4]   2> 4359683 T9639 
oasc.Overseer$ClusterStateUpdater.createCollection state version collection1 2
:    [junit4]   2> 4359689 T9639 
oasc.Overseer$ClusterStateUpdater.updateZkStates going to create_collection 
:    [junit4]   2> 4359694 T9647 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 1)
:    [junit4]   2> 4359694 T9648 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 1)
:    [junit4]   2> 4361253 T9616 
oasc.AbstractFullDistribZkTestBase.createJettys create jetty 1
:    [junit4]   2> 4361254 T9616 oejs.Server.doStart jetty-8.1.10.v20130312
:    [junit4]   2> 4361263 T9616 oejs.AbstractConnector.doStart Started 
:    [junit4]   2> 4361264 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4361265 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome JNDI 
not configured for solr (NoInitialContextEx)
:    [junit4]   2> 4361265 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome using 
system property solr.solr.home: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4361266 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.<init> new 
SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4361314 T9616 oasc.ConfigSolr.fromFile Loading container 
configuration from 
:    [junit4]   2> 4361397 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.<init> New CoreContainer 
:    [junit4]   2> 4361397 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.load Loading cores into 
:    [junit4]   2> 4361399 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting socketTimeout to: 120000
:    [junit4]   2> 4361399 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting urlScheme to: null
:    [junit4]   2> 4361399 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting connTimeout to: 15000
:    [junit4]   2> 4361400 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxConnectionsPerHost to: 20
:    [junit4]   2> 4361400 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxConnections to: 10000
:    [junit4]   2> 4361401 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting corePoolSize to: 0
:    [junit4]   2> 4361401 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maximumPoolSize to: 2147483647
:    [junit4]   2> 4361401 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxThreadIdleTime to: 5
:    [junit4]   2> 4361401 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting sizeOfQueue to: -1
:    [junit4]   2> 4361402 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting fairnessPolicy to: false
:    [junit4]   2> 4361402 T9616 oasu.UpdateShardHandler.<init> Creating 
UpdateShardHandler HTTP client with params: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4361403 T9616 oasl.LogWatcher.createWatcher SLF4J impl is 
:    [junit4]   2> 4361403 T9616 oasl.LogWatcher.newRegisteredLogWatcher 
Registering Log Listener [Log4j (org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory)]
:    [junit4]   2> 4361404 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.load Host Name:
:    [junit4]   2> 4361404 T9616 oasc.ZkContainer.initZooKeeper Zookeeper 
:    [junit4]   2> 4361405 T9616 oasc.ZkController.checkChrootPath zkHost 
includes chroot
:    [junit4]   2> 4361405 T9616 
oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkCredentialsToAddAutomatically Using default 
:    [junit4]   2> 4361406 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4361411 T9659 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher 
name:ZooKeeperConnection Watcher: got event WatchedEvent 
state:SyncConnected type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4361412 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4361413 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkACLProvider Using 
default ZkACLProvider
:    [junit4]   2> 4361417 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4361421 T9661 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher name:ZooKeeperConnection 
Watcher: got event WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected 
type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4361421 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4361438 T9616 
oascc.ZkStateReader.createClusterStateWatchersAndUpdate Updating cluster state 
from ZooKeeper... 
:    [junit4]   2> 4362455 T9616 oasc.ZkController.createEphemeralLiveNode 
Register node as live in ZooKeeper:/live_nodes/
:    [junit4]   2> 4362458 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4362473 T9616 oasc.Overseer.close Overseer (id=null) closing
:    [junit4]   2> 4362484 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4362485 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
SolrDispatchFilter.init() done
:    [junit4]   2> 4364262 T9616 
oasc.AbstractFullDistribZkTestBase.createJettys create jetty 2
:    [junit4]   2> 4364263 T9616 oejs.Server.doStart jetty-8.1.10.v20130312
:    [junit4]   2> 4364268 T9616 oejs.AbstractConnector.doStart Started 
:    [junit4]   2> 4364269 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4364271 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome JNDI 
not configured for solr (NoInitialContextEx)
:    [junit4]   2> 4364271 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome using 
system property solr.solr.home: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4364271 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.<init> new 
SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4364313 T9616 oasc.ConfigSolr.fromFile Loading container 
configuration from 
:    [junit4]   2> 4364380 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.<init> New CoreContainer 
:    [junit4]   2> 4364380 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.load Loading cores into 
:    [junit4]   2> 4364381 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting socketTimeout to: 120000
:    [junit4]   2> 4364382 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting urlScheme to: null
:    [junit4]   2> 4364382 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting connTimeout to: 15000
:    [junit4]   2> 4364382 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxConnectionsPerHost to: 20
:    [junit4]   2> 4364382 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxConnections to: 10000
:    [junit4]   2> 4364383 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting corePoolSize to: 0
:    [junit4]   2> 4364383 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maximumPoolSize to: 2147483647
:    [junit4]   2> 4364383 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxThreadIdleTime to: 5
:    [junit4]   2> 4364383 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting sizeOfQueue to: -1
:    [junit4]   2> 4364384 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting fairnessPolicy to: false
:    [junit4]   2> 4364384 T9616 oasu.UpdateShardHandler.<init> Creating 
UpdateShardHandler HTTP client with params: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4364385 T9616 oasl.LogWatcher.createWatcher SLF4J impl is 
:    [junit4]   2> 4364386 T9616 oasl.LogWatcher.newRegisteredLogWatcher 
Registering Log Listener [Log4j (org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory)]
:    [junit4]   2> 4364386 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.load Host Name:
:    [junit4]   2> 4364386 T9616 oasc.ZkContainer.initZooKeeper Zookeeper 
:    [junit4]   2> 4364386 T9616 oasc.ZkController.checkChrootPath zkHost 
includes chroot
:    [junit4]   2> 4364386 T9616 
oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkCredentialsToAddAutomatically Using default 
:    [junit4]   2> 4364388 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4364392 T9674 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher 
name:ZooKeeperConnection Watcher: got event WatchedEvent 
state:SyncConnected type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4364393 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4364393 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkACLProvider Using 
default ZkACLProvider
:    [junit4]   2> 4364398 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4364400 T9676 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher name:ZooKeeperConnection 
Watcher: got event WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected 
type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4364400 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4364420 T9616 
oascc.ZkStateReader.createClusterStateWatchersAndUpdate Updating cluster state 
from ZooKeeper... 
:    [junit4]   2> 4365435 T9616 oasc.ZkController.createEphemeralLiveNode 
Register node as live in ZooKeeper:/live_nodes/
:    [junit4]   2> 4365437 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4365449 T9616 oasc.Overseer.close Overseer (id=null) closing
:    [junit4]   2> 4365463 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4365464 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
SolrDispatchFilter.init() done
:    [junit4]   2> 4367520 T9616 
oasc.AbstractFullDistribZkTestBase.createJettys create jetty 3
:    [junit4]   2> 4367521 T9616 oejs.Server.doStart jetty-8.1.10.v20130312
:    [junit4]   2> 4367527 T9616 oejs.AbstractConnector.doStart Started 
:    [junit4]   2> 4367529 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4367529 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome JNDI 
not configured for solr (NoInitialContextEx)
:    [junit4]   2> 4367530 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome using 
system property solr.solr.home: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4367530 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.<init> new 
SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4367590 T9616 oasc.ConfigSolr.fromFile Loading container 
configuration from 
:    [junit4]   2> 4367667 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.<init> New CoreContainer 
:    [junit4]   2> 4367668 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.load Loading cores into 
:    [junit4]   2> 4367669 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting socketTimeout to: 120000
:    [junit4]   2> 4367670 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting urlScheme to: null
:    [junit4]   2> 4367670 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting connTimeout to: 15000
:    [junit4]   2> 4367670 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxConnectionsPerHost to: 20
:    [junit4]   2> 4367671 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxConnections to: 10000
:    [junit4]   2> 4367671 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting corePoolSize to: 0
:    [junit4]   2> 4367671 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maximumPoolSize to: 2147483647
:    [junit4]   2> 4367672 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxThreadIdleTime to: 5
:    [junit4]   2> 4367672 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting sizeOfQueue to: -1
:    [junit4]   2> 4367672 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting fairnessPolicy to: false
:    [junit4]   2> 4367673 T9616 oasu.UpdateShardHandler.<init> Creating 
UpdateShardHandler HTTP client with params: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4367674 T9616 oasl.LogWatcher.createWatcher SLF4J impl is 
:    [junit4]   2> 4367674 T9616 oasl.LogWatcher.newRegisteredLogWatcher 
Registering Log Listener [Log4j (org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory)]
:    [junit4]   2> 4367674 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.load Host Name:
:    [junit4]   2> 4367674 T9616 oasc.ZkContainer.initZooKeeper Zookeeper 
:    [junit4]   2> 4367675 T9616 oasc.ZkController.checkChrootPath zkHost 
includes chroot
:    [junit4]   2> 4367675 T9616 
oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkCredentialsToAddAutomatically Using default 
:    [junit4]   2> 4367676 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4367680 T9689 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher 
name:ZooKeeperConnection Watcher: got event WatchedEvent 
state:SyncConnected type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4367682 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4367683 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkACLProvider Using 
default ZkACLProvider
:    [junit4]   2> 4367687 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4367690 T9691 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher name:ZooKeeperConnection 
Watcher: got event WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected 
type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4367690 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4367707 T9616 
oascc.ZkStateReader.createClusterStateWatchersAndUpdate Updating cluster state 
from ZooKeeper... 
:    [junit4]   2> 4368724 T9616 oasc.ZkController.createEphemeralLiveNode 
Register node as live in ZooKeeper:/live_nodes/
:    [junit4]   2> 4368726 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4368738 T9616 oasc.Overseer.close Overseer (id=null) closing
:    [junit4]   2> 4368748 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4368748 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
SolrDispatchFilter.init() done
:    [junit4]   2> 4370637 T9616 
oasc.AbstractFullDistribZkTestBase.createJettys create jetty 4
:    [junit4]   2> 4370638 T9616 oejs.Server.doStart jetty-8.1.10.v20130312
:    [junit4]   2> 4370646 T9616 oejs.AbstractConnector.doStart Started 
:    [junit4]   2> 4370648 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4370649 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome JNDI 
not configured for solr (NoInitialContextEx)
:    [junit4]   2> 4370649 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.locateSolrHome using 
system property solr.solr.home: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4370650 T9616 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.<init> new 
SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4370721 T9616 oasc.ConfigSolr.fromFile Loading container 
configuration from 
:    [junit4]   2> 4370844 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.<init> New CoreContainer 
:    [junit4]   2> 4370845 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.load Loading cores into 
:    [junit4]   2> 4370871 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting socketTimeout to: 120000
:    [junit4]   2> 4370871 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting urlScheme to: null
:    [junit4]   2> 4370871 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting connTimeout to: 15000
:    [junit4]   2> 4370872 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxConnectionsPerHost to: 20
:    [junit4]   2> 4370872 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxConnections to: 10000
:    [junit4]   2> 4370872 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting corePoolSize to: 0
:    [junit4]   2> 4370873 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maximumPoolSize to: 2147483647
:    [junit4]   2> 4370873 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting maxThreadIdleTime to: 5
:    [junit4]   2> 4370874 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting sizeOfQueue to: -1
:    [junit4]   2> 4370874 T9616 oashc.HttpShardHandlerFactory.getParameter 
Setting fairnessPolicy to: false
:    [junit4]   2> 4370874 T9616 oasu.UpdateShardHandler.<init> Creating 
UpdateShardHandler HTTP client with params: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4370875 T9616 oasl.LogWatcher.createWatcher SLF4J impl is 
:    [junit4]   2> 4370875 T9616 oasl.LogWatcher.newRegisteredLogWatcher 
Registering Log Listener [Log4j (org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory)]
:    [junit4]   2> 4370875 T9616 oasc.CoreContainer.load Host Name:
:    [junit4]   2> 4370876 T9616 oasc.ZkContainer.initZooKeeper Zookeeper 
:    [junit4]   2> 4370876 T9616 oasc.ZkController.checkChrootPath zkHost 
includes chroot
:    [junit4]   2> 4370877 T9616 
oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkCredentialsToAddAutomatically Using default 
:    [junit4]   2> 4370879 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4370882 T9704 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher 
name:ZooKeeperConnection Watcher: got event WatchedEvent 
state:SyncConnected type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4370884 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4370884 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.createZkACLProvider Using 
default ZkACLProvider
:    [junit4]   2> 4370889 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Waiting for client to connect to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4370893 T9706 oascc.ConnectionManager.process Watcher name:ZooKeeperConnection 
Watcher: got event WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected 
type:None path:null path:null type:None
:    [junit4]   2> 4370894 T9616 oascc.ConnectionManager.waitForConnected 
Client is connected to ZooKeeper
:    [junit4]   2> 4370913 T9616 
oascc.ZkStateReader.createClusterStateWatchersAndUpdate Updating cluster state 
from ZooKeeper... 
:    [junit4]   2> 4371931 T9616 oasc.ZkController.createEphemeralLiveNode 
Register node as live in ZooKeeper:/live_nodes/
:    [junit4]   2> 4371933 T9616 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4371953 T9616 oasc.Overseer.close Overseer (id=null) closing
:    [junit4]   2> 4371970 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4371970 T9616 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.init 
SolrDispatchFilter.init() done
:    [junit4]   2> 4371981 T9652 oasha.CollectionsHandler.handleCreateAction 
Creating Collection : 
:    [junit4]   2> 4371983 T9647 
oasc.DistributedQueue$LatchChildWatcher.process LatchChildWatcher fired on 
path: /overseer/collection-queue-work state: SyncConnected type 
:    [junit4]   2> 4371986 T9640 Overseer 
Collection Processor: Get the message 
id:/overseer/collection-queue-work/qn-0000000000 message:{
:    [junit4]   2>        "operation":"create",
:    [junit4]   2>        "fromApi":"true",
:    [junit4]   2>        "name":"solrj_collection",
:    [junit4]   2>        "replicationFactor":"2",
:    [junit4]   2>        "collection.configName":"conf1",
:    [junit4]   2>        "numShards":"2",
:    [junit4]   2>        "router.field":"myOwnField"}
:    [junit4]   2> 4371988 T9709 
oasc.OverseerCollectionProcessor.processMessage WARN 
OverseerCollectionProcessor.processMessage : create , {
:    [junit4]   2>        "operation":"create",
:    [junit4]   2>        "fromApi":"true",
:    [junit4]   2>        "name":"solrj_collection",
:    [junit4]   2>        "replicationFactor":"2",
:    [junit4]   2>        "collection.configName":"conf1",
:    [junit4]   2>        "numShards":"2",
:    [junit4]   2>        "router.field":"myOwnField"}
:    [junit4]   2> 4371990 T9709 
oasc.OverseerCollectionProcessor.createConfNode creating collections conf node 
:    [junit4]   2> 4371992 T9709 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4372003 T9647 
oasc.DistributedQueue$LatchChildWatcher.process LatchChildWatcher fired on 
path: /overseer/queue state: SyncConnected type NodeChildrenChanged
:    [junit4]   2> 4372017 T9639 
oasc.Overseer$ClusterStateUpdater.buildCollection building a new collection: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4372017 T9639 
oasc.Overseer$ClusterStateUpdater.createCollection Create collection 
solrj_collection with shards [shard1, shard2]
:    [junit4]   2> 4372017 T9639 
oasc.Overseer$ClusterStateUpdater.createCollection state version 
solrj_collection 1
:    [junit4]   2> 4372027 T9707 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4372028 T9677 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4372027 T9648 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4372029 T9647 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4372027 T9662 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4372028 T9692 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4372104 T9709 
oasc.OverseerCollectionProcessor.createCollection Creating SolrCores for new 
collection solrj_collection, shardNames [shard1, shard2] , replicationFactor : 2
:    [junit4]   2> 4372105 T9709 
oasc.OverseerCollectionProcessor.createCollection Creating shard 
solrj_collection_shard1_replica1 as part of slice shard1 of collection 
solrj_collection on
:    [junit4]   2> 4372107 T9709 
oasc.OverseerCollectionProcessor.createCollection Creating shard 
solrj_collection_shard1_replica2 as part of slice shard1 of collection 
solrj_collection on
:    [junit4]   2> 4372114 T9709 
oasc.OverseerCollectionProcessor.createCollection Creating shard 
solrj_collection_shard2_replica1 as part of slice shard2 of collection 
solrj_collection on
:    [junit4]   2> 4372119 T9700 oasha.CoreAdminHandler.handleCreateAction core 
create command 
:    [junit4]   2> 4372121 T9629 oasha.CoreAdminHandler.handleCreateAction core 
create command 
:    [junit4]   2> 4372126 T9709 
oasc.OverseerCollectionProcessor.createCollection Creating shard 
solrj_collection_shard2_replica2 as part of slice shard2 of collection 
solrj_collection on
:    [junit4]   2> 4372127 T9700 oasc.ZkController.publish publishing 
core=solrj_collection_shard1_replica1 state=down collection=solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4372128 T9629 oasc.ZkController.publish publishing 
core=solrj_collection_shard1_replica2 state=down collection=solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4372135 T9653 oasha.CoreAdminHandler.handleCreateAction core 
create command 
:    [junit4]   2> 4372132 T9687 oasha.CoreAdminHandler.handleCreateAction core 
create command 
:    [junit4]   2> 4372138 T9700 oasc.ZkController.waitForCoreNodeName look for 
our core node name
:    [junit4]   2> 4372138 T9647 
oasc.DistributedQueue$LatchChildWatcher.process LatchChildWatcher fired on 
path: /overseer/queue state: SyncConnected type NodeChildrenChanged
:    [junit4]   2> 4372140 T9629 oasc.ZkController.waitForCoreNodeName look for 
our core node name
:    [junit4]   2> 4372142 T9687 oasc.ZkController.publish publishing 
core=solrj_collection_shard2_replica1 state=down collection=solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4372146 T9653 oasc.ZkController.publish publishing 
core=solrj_collection_shard2_replica2 state=down collection=solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4372148 T9687 oasc.ZkController.waitForCoreNodeName look for 
our core node name
:    [junit4]   2> 4372150 T9653 oasc.ZkController.waitForCoreNodeName look for 
our core node name
:    [junit4]   2> 4372157 T9639 oasc.Overseer$ClusterStateUpdater.updateState 
Update state numShards=2 message={
:    [junit4]   2>        "roles":null,
:    [junit4]   2>        "shard":"shard1",
:    [junit4]   2>        "operation":"state",
:    [junit4]   2>        "core":"solrj_collection_shard1_replica1",
:    [junit4]   2>        "state":"down",
:    [junit4]   2>        "base_url":"";,
:    [junit4]   2>        "node_name":"",
:    [junit4]   2>        "collection":"solrj_collection",
:    [junit4]   2>        "numShards":"2"}
:    [junit4]   2> 4372171 T9639 oasc.Overseer$ClusterStateUpdater.updateState 
Update state numShards=2 message={
:    [junit4]   2>        "roles":null,
:    [junit4]   2>        "shard":"shard1",
:    [junit4]   2>        "operation":"state",
:    [junit4]   2>        "core":"solrj_collection_shard1_replica2",
:    [junit4]   2>        "state":"down",
:    [junit4]   2>        "base_url":"";,
:    [junit4]   2>        "node_name":"",
:    [junit4]   2>        "collection":"solrj_collection",
:    [junit4]   2>        "numShards":"2"}
:    [junit4]   2> 4372180 T9647 
oasc.DistributedQueue$LatchChildWatcher.process LatchChildWatcher fired on 
path: /overseer/queue state: SyncConnected type NodeChildrenChanged
:    [junit4]   2> 4372184 T9639 oasc.Overseer$ClusterStateUpdater.updateState 
Update state numShards=2 message={
:    [junit4]   2>        "roles":null,
:    [junit4]   2>        "shard":"shard2",
:    [junit4]   2>        "operation":"state",
:    [junit4]   2>        "core":"solrj_collection_shard2_replica1",
:    [junit4]   2>        "state":"down",
:    [junit4]   2>        "base_url":"";,
:    [junit4]   2>        "node_name":"",
:    [junit4]   2>        "collection":"solrj_collection",
:    [junit4]   2>        "numShards":"2"}
:    [junit4]   2> 4372200 T9639 oasc.Overseer$ClusterStateUpdater.updateState 
Update state numShards=2 message={
:    [junit4]   2>        "roles":null,
:    [junit4]   2>        "shard":"shard2",
:    [junit4]   2>        "operation":"state",
:    [junit4]   2>        "core":"solrj_collection_shard2_replica2",
:    [junit4]   2>        "state":"down",
:    [junit4]   2>        "base_url":"";,
:    [junit4]   2>        "node_name":"",
:    [junit4]   2>        "collection":"solrj_collection",
:    [junit4]   2>        "numShards":"2"}
:    [junit4]   2> 4372208 T9647 
oasc.DistributedQueue$LatchChildWatcher.process LatchChildWatcher fired on 
path: /overseer/queue state: SyncConnected type NodeChildrenChanged
:    [junit4]   2> 4372315 T9648 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4372316 T9677 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4372316 T9692 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4372317 T9662 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4372318 T9707 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4372322 T9647 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process A cluster state 
change: WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:NodeDataChanged 
path:/clusterstate.json, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: 5)
:    [junit4]   2> 4373139 T9700 oasc.ZkController.waitForShardId waiting to 
find shard id in clusterstate for solrj_collection_shard1_replica1
:    [junit4]   2> 4373140 T9700 oasc.ZkController.createCollectionZkNode Check 
for collection zkNode:solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4373142 T9629 oasc.ZkController.waitForShardId waiting to 
find shard id in clusterstate for solrj_collection_shard1_replica2
:    [junit4]   2> 4373142 T9700 oasc.ZkController.createCollectionZkNode 
Collection zkNode exists
:    [junit4]   2> 4373144 T9700 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName Load 
collection config from:/collections/solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4373143 T9629 oasc.ZkController.createCollectionZkNode Check 
for collection zkNode:solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4373146 T9629 oasc.ZkController.createCollectionZkNode 
Collection zkNode exists
:    [junit4]   2> 4373147 T9629 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName Load 
collection config from:/collections/solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4373147 T9700 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName 
path=/collections/solrj_collection configName=conf1 specified config exists in 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373148 T9700 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.<init> new 
SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373150 T9687 oasc.ZkController.waitForShardId waiting to 
find shard id in clusterstate for solrj_collection_shard2_replica1
:    [junit4]   2> 4373150 T9687 oasc.ZkController.createCollectionZkNode Check 
for collection zkNode:solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4373152 T9653 oasc.ZkController.waitForShardId waiting to 
find shard id in clusterstate for solrj_collection_shard2_replica2
:    [junit4]   2> 4373153 T9653 oasc.ZkController.createCollectionZkNode Check 
for collection zkNode:solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4373156 T9629 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName 
path=/collections/solrj_collection configName=conf1 specified config exists in 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373159 T9629 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.<init> new 
SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373170 T9653 oasc.ZkController.createCollectionZkNode 
Collection zkNode exists
:    [junit4]   2> 4373171 T9653 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName Load 
collection config from:/collections/solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4373172 T9687 oasc.ZkController.createCollectionZkNode 
Collection zkNode exists
:    [junit4]   2> 4373173 T9687 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName Load 
collection config from:/collections/solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4373181 T9653 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName 
path=/collections/solrj_collection configName=conf1 specified config exists in 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373181 T9653 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.<init> new 
SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373186 T9687 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName 
path=/collections/solrj_collection configName=conf1 specified config exists in 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373186 T9687 oasc.SolrResourceLoader.<init> new 
SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373305 T9687 oasc.SolrConfig.<init> Using Lucene 
MatchVersion: 5.0.0
:    [junit4]   2> 4373355 T9700 oasc.SolrConfig.<init> Using Lucene 
MatchVersion: 5.0.0
:    [junit4]   2> 4373379 T9653 oasc.SolrConfig.<init> Using Lucene 
MatchVersion: 5.0.0
:    [junit4]   2> 4373423 T9629 oasc.SolrConfig.<init> Using Lucene 
MatchVersion: 5.0.0
:    [junit4]   2> 4373554 T9687 oasc.SolrConfig.<init> Loaded SolrConfig: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373565 T9700 oasc.SolrConfig.<init> Loaded SolrConfig: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373567 T9687 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema Reading Solr 
Schema from schema.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4373577 T9700 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema Reading Solr 
Schema from schema.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4373587 T9629 oasc.SolrConfig.<init> Loaded SolrConfig: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373591 T9687 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema 
[solrj_collection_shard2_replica1] Schema name=test
:    [junit4]   2> 4373593 T9700 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema 
[solrj_collection_shard1_replica1] Schema name=test
:    [junit4]   2> 4373611 T9653 oasc.SolrConfig.<init> Loaded SolrConfig: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4373620 T9629 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema Reading Solr 
Schema from schema.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4373631 T9653 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema Reading Solr 
Schema from schema.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4373656 T9629 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema 
[solrj_collection_shard1_replica2] Schema name=test
:    [junit4]   2> 4373661 T9653 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema 
[solrj_collection_shard2_replica2] Schema name=test
:    [junit4]   2> 4375003 T9629 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.init 
Initialized with rates=open-exchange-rates.json, refreshInterval=1440.
:    [junit4]   2> 4375013 T9687 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.init 
Initialized with rates=open-exchange-rates.json, refreshInterval=1440.
:    [junit4]   2> 4375029 T9629 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema default search 
field in schema is text
:    [junit4]   2> 4375040 T9629 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema unique key field: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375036 T9687 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema default search 
field in schema is text
:    [junit4]   2> 4375046 T9687 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema unique key field: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375074 T9700 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.init 
Initialized with rates=open-exchange-rates.json, refreshInterval=1440.
:    [junit4]   2> 4375082 T9700 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema default search 
field in schema is text
:    [junit4]   2> 4375082 T9653 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.init 
Initialized with rates=open-exchange-rates.json, refreshInterval=1440.
:    [junit4]   2> 4375086 T9700 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema unique key field: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375110 T9653 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema default search 
field in schema is text
:    [junit4]   2> 4375115 T9687 oass.FileExchangeRateProvider.reload Reloading 
exchange rates from file currency.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4375115 T9629 oass.FileExchangeRateProvider.reload Reloading 
exchange rates from file currency.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4375122 T9653 oass.IndexSchema.readSchema unique key field: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375124 T9687 oass.FileExchangeRateProvider.reload Reloading 
exchange rates from file currency.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4375130 T9687 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.reload 
Reloading exchange rates from open-exchange-rates.json
:    [junit4]   2> 4375130 T9629 oass.FileExchangeRateProvider.reload Reloading 
exchange rates from file currency.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4375136 T9687 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Unknown key 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375144 T9687 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Expected key, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375145 T9687 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.reload 
Reloading exchange rates from open-exchange-rates.json
:    [junit4]   2> 4375149 T9687 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Unknown key 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375151 T9687 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Expected key, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375150 T9700 oass.FileExchangeRateProvider.reload Reloading 
exchange rates from file currency.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4375151 T9687 oasc.CoreContainer.create Creating SolrCore 
'solrj_collection_shard2_replica1' using configuration from collection 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375151 T9629 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.reload 
Reloading exchange rates from open-exchange-rates.json
:    [junit4]   2> 4375156 T9687 oasc.SolrCore.initDirectoryFactory 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375157 T9687 oasc.SolrCore.<init> 
[solrj_collection_shard2_replica1] Opening new SolrCore at 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375158 T9687 oasc.JmxMonitoredMap.<init> JMX monitoring is 
enabled. Adding Solr mbeans to JMX Server: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375159 T9687 oasc.CachingDirectoryFactory.get return new 
directory for 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375159 T9687 oasc.SolrCore.getNewIndexDir New index 
directory detected: old=null 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375159 T9687 oasc.SolrCore.initIndex WARN 
[solrj_collection_shard2_replica1] Solr index directory 
 doesn't exist. Creating new index...
:    [junit4]   2> 4375160 T9687 oasc.CachingDirectoryFactory.get return new 
directory for 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375161 T9687 oasu.RandomMergePolicy.<init> 
RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.LogByteSizeMergePolicy: [LogByteSizeMergePolicy: 
minMergeSize=1677721, mergeFactor=25, maxMergeSize=2147483648, 
maxMergeSizeForForcedMerge=9223372036854775807, calibrateSizeByDeletes=false, 
maxMergeDocs=2147483647, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375161 T9700 oass.FileExchangeRateProvider.reload Reloading 
exchange rates from file currency.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4375165 T9629 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Unknown key 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375166 T9629 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Expected key, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375167 T9629 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.reload 
Reloading exchange rates from open-exchange-rates.json
:    [junit4]   2> 4375167 T9687 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit 
SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=1
:    [junit4]   2>              
:    [junit4]   2> 4375169 T9687 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.updateCommits newest 
commit generation = 1
:    [junit4]   2> 4375173 T9700 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.reload 
Reloading exchange rates from open-exchange-rates.json
:    [junit4]   2> 4375173 T9687 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "nodistrib"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375175 T9687 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "dedupe"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375175 T9687 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
inserting DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375177 T9629 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Unknown key 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375181 T9629 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Expected key, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375182 T9629 oasc.CoreContainer.create Creating SolrCore 
'solrj_collection_shard1_replica2' using configuration from collection 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375182 T9629 oasc.SolrCore.initDirectoryFactory 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375183 T9629 oasc.SolrCore.<init> 
[solrj_collection_shard1_replica2] Opening new SolrCore at 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375184 T9629 oasc.JmxMonitoredMap.<init> JMX monitoring is 
enabled. Adding Solr mbeans to JMX Server: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375180 T9700 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Unknown key 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375188 T9700 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Expected key, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375189 T9700 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.reload 
Reloading exchange rates from open-exchange-rates.json
:    [junit4]   2> 4375177 T9687 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "stored_sig"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375192 T9687 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
inserting DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375193 T9687 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "distrib-dup-test-chain-explicit"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375189 T9629 oasc.CachingDirectoryFactory.get return new 
directory for 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375193 T9687 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "distrib-dup-test-chain-implicit"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375196 T9687 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
inserting DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375196 T9687 oasc.SolrCore.loadUpdateProcessorChains no 
updateRequestProcessorChain defined as default, creating implicit default
:    [junit4]   2> 4375197 T9687 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update/json: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375198 T9687 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update/json/docs: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375199 T9687 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update/csv: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375200 T9687 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created standard: solr.StandardRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375200 T9687 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /get: solr.RealTimeGetHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375201 T9687 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
adding lazy requestHandler: solr.ReplicationHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375201 T9687 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /replication: solr.ReplicationHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375202 T9687 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update: solr.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375203 T9687 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /admin/: org.apache.solr.handler.admin.AdminHandlers
:    [junit4]   2> 4375195 T9700 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Unknown key 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375205 T9700 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Expected key, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375195 T9629 oasc.SolrCore.getNewIndexDir New index 
directory detected: old=null 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375206 T9687 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /admin/file: solr.admin.ShowFileRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375207 T9687 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /admin/fileedit: solr.admin.EditFileRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375206 T9700 oasc.CoreContainer.create Creating SolrCore 
'solrj_collection_shard1_replica1' using configuration from collection 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375216 T9700 oasc.SolrCore.initDirectoryFactory 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375217 T9700 oasc.SolrCore.<init> 
[solrj_collection_shard1_replica1] Opening new SolrCore at 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375217 T9700 oasc.JmxMonitoredMap.<init> JMX monitoring is 
enabled. Adding Solr mbeans to JMX Server: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375219 T9700 oasc.CachingDirectoryFactory.get return new 
directory for 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375219 T9700 oasc.SolrCore.getNewIndexDir New index 
directory detected: old=null 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375220 T9700 oasc.SolrCore.initIndex WARN 
[solrj_collection_shard1_replica1] Solr index directory 
 doesn't exist. Creating new index...
:    [junit4]   2> 4375221 T9700 oasc.CachingDirectoryFactory.get return new 
directory for 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375221 T9687 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375200 T9653 oass.FileExchangeRateProvider.reload Reloading 
exchange rates from file currency.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4375221 T9700 oasu.RandomMergePolicy.<init> 
RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.LogByteSizeMergePolicy: [LogByteSizeMergePolicy: 
minMergeSize=1677721, mergeFactor=25, maxMergeSize=2147483648, 
maxMergeSizeForForcedMerge=9223372036854775807, calibrateSizeByDeletes=false, 
maxMergeDocs=2147483647, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375206 T9629 oasc.SolrCore.initIndex WARN 
[solrj_collection_shard1_replica2] Solr index directory 
 doesn't exist. Creating new index...
:    [junit4]   2> 4375224 T9629 oasc.CachingDirectoryFactory.get return new 
directory for 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375225 T9629 oasu.RandomMergePolicy.<init> 
RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.LogByteSizeMergePolicy: [LogByteSizeMergePolicy: 
minMergeSize=1677721, mergeFactor=25, maxMergeSize=2147483648, 
maxMergeSizeForForcedMerge=9223372036854775807, calibrateSizeByDeletes=false, 
maxMergeDocs=2147483647, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375226 T9700 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit 
SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=1
:    [junit4]   2>              
:    [junit4]   2> 4375226 T9700 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.updateCommits newest 
commit generation = 1
:    [junit4]   2> 4375224 T9687 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375230 T9629 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit 
SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=1
:    [junit4]   2>              
:    [junit4]   2> 4375230 T9629 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.updateCommits newest 
commit generation = 1
:    [junit4]   2> 4375232 T9700 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "nodistrib"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375233 T9700 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "dedupe"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375234 T9700 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
inserting DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375234 T9700 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "stored_sig"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375235 T9700 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
inserting DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375235 T9700 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "distrib-dup-test-chain-explicit"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375236 T9687 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375238 T9687 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375238 T9653 oass.FileExchangeRateProvider.reload Reloading 
exchange rates from file currency.xml
:    [junit4]   2> 4375241 T9700 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "distrib-dup-test-chain-implicit"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375242 T9700 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
inserting DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375242 T9700 oasc.SolrCore.loadUpdateProcessorChains no 
updateRequestProcessorChain defined as default, creating implicit default
:    [junit4]   2> 4375244 T9629 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "nodistrib"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375245 T9629 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "dedupe"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375243 T9687 oasu.CommitTracker.<init> Hard AutoCommit: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375245 T9629 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
inserting DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375245 T9700 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update/json: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375247 T9700 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update/json/docs: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375248 T9700 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update/csv: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375249 T9700 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created standard: solr.StandardRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375249 T9700 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /get: solr.RealTimeGetHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375250 T9700 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
adding lazy requestHandler: solr.ReplicationHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375250 T9700 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /replication: solr.ReplicationHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375246 T9629 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "stored_sig"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375246 T9687 oasu.CommitTracker.<init> Soft AutoCommit: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375252 T9629 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
inserting DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375254 T9687 oasu.RandomMergePolicy.<init> 
RandomMergePolicy wrapping class org.apache.lucene.index.TieredMergePolicy: 
[TieredMergePolicy: maxMergeAtOnce=34, maxMergeAtOnceExplicit=32, 
maxMergedSegmentMB=31.3447265625, floorSegmentMB=0.8505859375, 
forceMergeDeletesPctAllowed=14.229113936294981, segmentsPerTier=32.0, 
maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, noCFSRatio=0.8398156293885715
:    [junit4]   2> 4375251 T9700 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update: solr.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375250 T9653 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.reload 
Reloading exchange rates from open-exchange-rates.json
:    [junit4]   2> 4375255 T9700 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /admin/: org.apache.solr.handler.admin.AdminHandlers
:    [junit4]   2> 4375255 T9687 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit 
SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits: num=1
:    [junit4]   2>              
:    [junit4]   2> 4375256 T9687 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.updateCommits newest 
commit generation = 1
:    [junit4]   2> 4375256 T9687 oass.SolrIndexSearcher.<init> Opening 
Searcher@af9e039[solrj_collection_shard2_replica1] main
:    [junit4]   2> 4375254 T9629 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "distrib-dup-test-chain-explicit"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375256 T9687 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName Load 
collection config from:/collections/solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4375256 T9700 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /admin/file: solr.admin.ShowFileRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375258 T9653 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Unknown key 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375259 T9653 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Expected key, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375259 T9653 oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider.reload 
Reloading exchange rates from open-exchange-rates.json
:    [junit4]   2> 4375257 T9629 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "distrib-dup-test-chain-implicit"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375258 T9700 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /admin/fileedit: solr.admin.EditFileRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375260 T9629 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
inserting DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375262 T9629 oasc.SolrCore.loadUpdateProcessorChains no 
updateRequestProcessorChain defined as default, creating implicit default
:    [junit4]   2> 4375263 T9629 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update/json: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375263 T9629 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update/json/docs: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375264 T9629 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update/csv: org.apache.solr.handler.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375264 T9700 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375265 T9687 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName 
path=/collections/solrj_collection configName=conf1 specified config exists in 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375266 T9687 oasr.ManagedResourceStorage.newStorageIO 
Setting up ZooKeeper-based storage for the RestManager with znodeBase: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375264 T9629 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created standard: solr.StandardRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375267 T9700 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375267 T9629 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /get: solr.RealTimeGetHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375268 T9629 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
adding lazy requestHandler: solr.ReplicationHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375269 T9629 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /replication: solr.ReplicationHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375269 T9700 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375270 T9653 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Unknown key 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375271 T9653 
oass.OpenExchangeRatesOrgProvider$OpenExchangeRates.<init> WARN Expected key, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375272 T9653 oasc.CoreContainer.create Creating SolrCore 
'solrj_collection_shard2_replica2' using configuration from collection 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375272 T9687 
oasr.ManagedResourceStorage$ZooKeeperStorageIO.configure Configured 
ZooKeeperStorageIO with znodeBase: /configs/conf1
:    [junit4]   2> 4375272 T9687 oasr.RestManager.init Initializing RestManager 
with initArgs: {}
:    [junit4]   2> 4375270 T9629 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /update: solr.UpdateRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375273 T9653 oasc.SolrCore.initDirectoryFactory 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375274 T9629 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /admin/: org.apache.solr.handler.admin.AdminHandlers
:    [junit4]   2> 4375273 T9687 oasr.ManagedResourceStorage.load Reading 
_rest_managed.json using ZooKeeperStorageIO:path=/configs/conf1
:    [junit4]   2> 4375272 T9700 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375275 T9629 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /admin/file: solr.admin.ShowFileRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375276 T9629 oasc.RequestHandlers.initHandlersFromConfig 
created /admin/fileedit: solr.admin.EditFileRequestHandler
:    [junit4]   2> 4375274 T9653 oasc.SolrCore.<init> 
[solrj_collection_shard2_replica2] Opening new SolrCore at 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375289 T9653 oasc.JmxMonitoredMap.<init> JMX monitoring is 
enabled. Adding Solr mbeans to JMX Server: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375289 T9629 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375291 T9687 
oasr.ManagedResourceStorage$ZooKeeperStorageIO.openInputStream No data found 
for znode /configs/conf1/_rest_managed.json
:    [junit4]   2> 4375290 T9653 oasc.CachingDirectoryFactory.get return new 
directory for 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375295 T9653 oasc.SolrCore.getNewIndexDir New index 
directory detected: old=null 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375296 T9629 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375297 T9700 oasu.CommitTracker.<init> Hard AutoCommit: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375297 T9700 oasu.CommitTracker.<init> Soft AutoCommit: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375292 T9687 oasr.ManagedResourceStorage.load Loaded null 
at path _rest_managed.json using ZooKeeperStorageIO:path=/configs/conf1
:    [junit4]   2> 4375297 T9629 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375296 T9653 oasc.SolrCore.initIndex WARN 
[solrj_collection_shard2_replica2] Solr index directory 
 doesn't exist. Creating new index...
:    [junit4]   2> 4375300 T9653 oasc.CachingDirectoryFactory.get return new 
directory for 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375301 T9653 oasu.RandomMergePolicy.<init> 
RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.LogByteSizeMergePolicy: [LogByteSizeMergePolicy: 
minMergeSize=1677721, mergeFactor=25, maxMergeSize=2147483648, 
maxMergeSizeForForcedMerge=9223372036854775807, calibrateSizeByDeletes=false, 
maxMergeDocs=2147483647, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375302 T9629 oashl.XMLLoader.init 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375302 T9687 oascc.SolrZkClient.makePath makePath: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375302 T9700 oasu.RandomMergePolicy.<init> 
RandomMergePolicy wrapping class org.apache.lucene.index.TieredMergePolicy: 
[TieredMergePolicy: maxMergeAtOnce=34, maxMergeAtOnceExplicit=32, 
maxMergedSegmentMB=31.3447265625, floorSegmentMB=0.8505859375, 
forceMergeDeletesPctAllowed=14.229113936294981, segmentsPerTier=32.0, 
maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, noCFSRatio=0.8398156293885715
:    [junit4]   2> 4375304 T9700 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit 
SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits: num=1
:    [junit4]   2>              
:    [junit4]   2> 4375304 T9700 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.updateCommits newest 
commit generation = 1
:    [junit4]   2> 4375306 T9700 oass.SolrIndexSearcher.<init> Opening 
Searcher@42652e04[solrj_collection_shard1_replica1] main
:    [junit4]   2> 4375306 T9700 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName Load 
collection config from:/collections/solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4375318 T9629 oasu.CommitTracker.<init> Hard AutoCommit: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375324 T9629 oasu.CommitTracker.<init> Soft AutoCommit: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375325 T9629 oasu.RandomMergePolicy.<init> 
RandomMergePolicy wrapping class org.apache.lucene.index.TieredMergePolicy: 
[TieredMergePolicy: maxMergeAtOnce=34, maxMergeAtOnceExplicit=32, 
maxMergedSegmentMB=31.3447265625, floorSegmentMB=0.8505859375, 
forceMergeDeletesPctAllowed=14.229113936294981, segmentsPerTier=32.0, 
maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, noCFSRatio=0.8398156293885715
:    [junit4]   2> 4375326 T9629 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit 
SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits: num=1
:    [junit4]   2>              
:    [junit4]   2> 4375326 T9629 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.updateCommits newest 
commit generation = 1
:    [junit4]   2> 4375326 T9629 oass.SolrIndexSearcher.<init> Opening 
Searcher@d69c466[solrj_collection_shard1_replica2] main
:    [junit4]   2> 4375330 T9629 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName Load 
collection config from:/collections/solrj_collection
:    [junit4]   2> 4375311 T9653 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit 
SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=1
:    [junit4]   2>              
:    [junit4]   2> 4375332 T9653 oasc.SolrDeletionPolicy.updateCommits newest 
commit generation = 1
:    [junit4]   2> 4375331 T9700 oascc.ZkStateReader.readConfigName 
path=/collections/solrj_collection configName=conf1 specified config exists in 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375333 T9700 oasr.ManagedResourceStorage.newStorageIO 
Setting up ZooKeeper-based storage for the RestManager with znodeBase: 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375338 T9653 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "nodistrib"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375338 T9653 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "dedupe"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375339 T9653 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
inserting DistributedUpdateProcessorFactory into updateRequestProcessorChain 
:    [junit4]   2> 4375339 T9653 oasup.UpdateRequestProcessorChain.init 
creating updateRequestProcessorChain "stored_sig"
:    [junit4]   2> 4375340 T9653 oasup.UpdateRequestPro
: [...truncated too long message...]
: ipse.jetty.util.thread.QueuedThreadPool.runJob(
:    [junit4]   2>              at 
:    [junit4]   2>              at
:    [junit4]   2>      
:    [junit4]   2> 4460999 T9697 oass.SolrDispatchFilter.handleAdminRequest 
[admin] webapp=null path=/admin/cores 
 status=400 QTime=26148 
:    [junit4]   2> 4462313 T9836 oascc.ZkStateReader$2.process WARN ZooKeeper 
watch triggered, but Solr cannot talk to ZK
:    [junit4]   2> 4462313 T9818 oascc.ZkStateReader$7.process WARN ZooKeeper 
watch triggered, but Solr cannot talk to ZK
:    [junit4]   2> 4462333 T9616 oejsh.ContextHandler.doStop stopped 
:    [junit4]   2> 4467318 T9616 oas.SolrTestCaseJ4.tearDown ###Ending 
:    [junit4]   2> 4467323 T9616 oasc.ZkTestServer.send4LetterWord connecting 
to 57800
:    [junit4]   2> 4467326 T9831 oasc.ZkTestServer.send4LetterWord connecting 
to 57800
:    [junit4]   2> NOTE: reproduce with: ant test  
-Dtestcase=CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest -Dtests.method=testDistribSearch 
-Dtests.seed=7FF06594A345DF76 -Dtests.slow=true -Dtests.locale=sr_CS 
-Dtests.timezone=Europe/Kaliningrad -Dtests.file.encoding=UTF-8
:    [junit4] ERROR    111s | CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest.testDistribSearch 
:    [junit4]    > Throwable #1: 
org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer$RemoteSolrException: Error 
CREATEing SolrCore 'halfcollection_shard1_replica1': Unable to create core 
[halfcollection_shard1_replica1] Caused by: null
:    [junit4]    >      at 
:    [junit4]    >      at 
:    [junit4]    >      at 
:    [junit4]    >      at 
:    [junit4]    >      at
:    [junit4]    >      at
:    [junit4]    >      at 
:    [junit4]    >      at
:    [junit4]   2> 4467970 T9616 oas.SolrTestCaseJ4.deleteCore ###deleteCore
:    [junit4]   2> NOTE: leaving temporary files on disk at: 
:    [junit4]   2> 110559 T9615 ccr.ThreadLeakControl.checkThreadLeaks WARNING 
Will linger awaiting termination of 1 leaked thread(s).
:    [junit4]   2> NOTE: test params are: codec=Asserting(Lucene50), 
sim=DefaultSimilarity, locale=sr_CS, timezone=Europe/Kaliningrad
:    [junit4]   2> NOTE: Mac OS X 10.8.5 x86_64/Oracle Corporation 1.7.0_67 
:    [junit4]   2> NOTE: All tests run in this JVM: 
[DistributedQueryElevationComponentTest, UpdateParamsTest, 
TestIBSimilarityFactory, CustomCollectionTest, SoftAutoCommitTest, 
InfoHandlerTest, TestReload, TestStressVersions, PrimitiveFieldTypeTest, 
TestDocBasedVersionConstraints, TestRequestStatusCollectionAPI, 
TestCodecSupport, TestJmxIntegration, SpellingQueryConverterTest, 
LukeRequestHandlerTest, TestDynamicFieldCollectionResource, TestLRUCache, 
OverseerStatusTest, TestIndexingPerformance, MBeansHandlerTest, TestFaceting, 
SynonymTokenizerTest, TestAtomicUpdateErrorCases, TestMissingGroups, 
TestBulkSchemaConcurrent, TestBinaryResponseWriter, OverseerRolesTest, 
ParsingFieldUpdateProcessorsTest, HdfsCollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest, 
SpatialFilterTest, ExternalCollectionsTest, DistributedSuggestComponentTest, 
DirectUpdateHandlerOptimizeTest, TestCopyFieldCollectionResource, 
AliasIntegrationTest, LeaderInitiatedRecoveryOnCommitTest, 
CollectionsAPIAsyncDistributedZkTest, TestStressReco
 very, TestNoOpRegenerator, TestCollationField, ChaosMonkeySafeLeaderTest, 
ResponseLogComponentTest, TestSearchPerf, CurrencyFieldXmlFileTest, 
EnumFieldTest, TestManagedResource, TestReRankQParserPlugin, SolrXmlInZkTest, 
TestRandomMergePolicy, AnalyticsMergeStrategyTest, BasicZkTest, 
TestExpandComponent, TestInfoStreamLogging, TestReversedWildcardFilterFactory, 
LeaderFailoverAfterPartitionTest, TestFoldingMultitermQuery, 
UnloadDistributedZkTest, AtomicUpdatesTest, TestMultiCoreConfBootstrap, 
TestIndexSearcher, SpellPossibilityIteratorTest, TestGroupingSearch, 
TestConfigSets, BasicFunctionalityTest, RAMDirectoryFactoryTest, 
TestFieldSortValues, SOLR749Test, StatelessScriptUpdateProcessorFactoryTest, 
WordBreakSolrSpellCheckerTest, RankQueryTest, TestBM25SimilarityFactory, 
TestRTGBase, TestSerializedLuceneMatchVersion, IndexSchemaTest, 
TestPerFieldSimilarity, TestStressUserVersions, URLClassifyProcessorTest, 
TestSchemaVersionResource, ConvertedLegacyTest, AnalysisAfterCoreReloadTest, Le
 gacyHTMLStripCharFilterTest, TestModifyConfFiles, HardAutoCommitTest, 
ModifyConfFileTest, OutputWriterTest, DOMUtilTest, 
DocumentAnalysisRequestHandlerTest, TestDefaultSearchFieldResource, 
TestSolrCoreProperties, MinimalSchemaTest, PluginInfoTest, ShardRoutingTest, 
TestSystemIdResolver, TestOrdValues, ShowFileRequestHandlerTest, 
ZkControllerTest, TestUtils, StressHdfsTest, TestFastOutputStream, 
MoreLikeThisHandlerTest, JSONWriterTest, ReplicationFactorTest, 
TestMiniSolrCloudCluster, DistributedQueryComponentOptimizationTest, 
LoggingHandlerTest, HdfsSyncSliceTest, MultiThreadedOCPTest, TestRestManager, 
TestComplexPhraseQParserPlugin, CoreAdminCreateDiscoverTest, SyncSliceTest, 
HdfsChaosMonkeySafeLeaderTest, TestUniqueKeyFieldResource, 
RegexBoostProcessorTest, TestFileDictionaryLookup, 
TestReplicationHandlerBackup, OverseerTest, FileBasedSpellCheckerTest, 
SharedFSAutoReplicaFailoverTest, UpdateRequestProcessorFactoryTest, 
TestWriterPerf, TestQuerySenderNoQuery, TestRecovery, TestLeade
 rElectionZkExpiry, TestDistributedGrouping, TestCollationFieldDocValues, 
TestFieldTypeResource, SharedFSAutoReplicaFailoverUtilsTest, 
TestCloudInspectUtil, DistributedFacetPivotLargeTest, TimeZoneUtilsTest, 
OverriddenZkACLAndCredentialsProvidersTest, DistributedDebugComponentTest, 
TestDFRSimilarityFactory, CoreAdminHandlerTest, HdfsLockFactoryTest, 
TestSchemaResource, SolrRequestParserTest, TestCustomSort, BadIndexSchemaTest, 
TestSchemaSimilarityResource, DirectUpdateHandlerTest, FileUtilsTest, 
TestCollectionAPI, TestBinaryField, DeleteReplicaTest, 
TestExtendedDismaxParser, OpenCloseCoreStressTest, TestHashPartitioner, 
ClusterStateUpdateTest, MultiTermTest, SpellCheckComponentTest, 
TestRandomDVFaceting, TestIntervalFaceting, NumericFieldsTest, 
CursorPagingTest, FullSolrCloudDistribCmdsTest, CSVRequestHandlerTest, 
SolrIndexConfigTest, TestRawResponseWriter, CloudExitableDirectoryReaderTest, 
DistributedIntervalFacetingTest, TestCloudManagedSche
 ma, SchemaVersionSpecificBehaviorTest, HdfsUnloadDistributedZkTest, 
TestSolr4Spatial, SolrCmdDistributorTest, AutoCommitTest, RequiredFieldsTest, 
MigrateRouteKeyTest, TestNonDefinedSimilarityFactory, TestDocSet, 
BJQParserTest, ResponseHeaderTest, TestCloudSchemaless, DateRangeFieldTest, 
TestFieldResource, TestSortingResponseWriter, TestSolrQueryParser, 
TestDefaultSimilarityFactory, TestDistribDocBasedVersion, 
DirectSolrSpellCheckerTest, CurrencyFieldOpenExchangeTest, 
TestLMDirichletSimilarityFactory, FieldAnalysisRequestHandlerTest, 
TestTolerantSearch, SignatureUpdateProcessorFactoryTest, 
HighlighterMaxOffsetTest, DocValuesMissingTest, TestLFUCache, 
ExternalFileFieldSortTest, TestValueSourceCache, PeerSyncTest, 
TermVectorComponentTest, TestLMJelinekMercerSimilarityFactory, TestRangeQuery, 
SimpleFacetsTest, TestSolrDeletionPolicy2, AnalysisErrorHandlingTest, 
JsonLoaderTest, DistributedFacetPivotSmallTest, DeleteInactiveReplicaTest, 
SearchHandlerTest, UUIDUpdateProcessorFallbackTest, 
 TestManagedSchemaFieldResource, TestFieldTypeCollectionResource, 
LeaderElectionTest, TestSolrXmlPersistence, BasicDistributedZkTest, 
BasicDistributedZk2Test, CollectionsAPIDistributedZkTest]
:    [junit4] Completed in 110.88s, 1 test, 1 error <<< FAILURES!
: [...truncated 684 lines...]
: /Users/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-5.x-MacOSX/build.xml:524: The following 
error occurred while executing this line:
: /Users/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-5.x-MacOSX/build.xml:472: The following 
error occurred while executing this line:
: /Users/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-5.x-MacOSX/build.xml:61: The following 
error occurred while executing this line:
: /Users/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-5.x-MacOSX/extra-targets.xml:39: The 
following error occurred while executing this line:
: /Users/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-5.x-MacOSX/solr/build.xml:189: The 
following error occurred while executing this line:
: /Users/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-5.x-MacOSX/solr/common-build.xml:496: 
The following error occurred while executing this line:
: /Users/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-5.x-MacOSX/lucene/common-build.xml:1360: 
The following error occurred while executing this line:
: /Users/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-5.x-MacOSX/lucene/common-build.xml:962: 
There were test failures: 437 suites, 1795 tests, 1 error, 49 ignored (20 
: Total time: 188 minutes 10 seconds
: Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
: [description-setter] Description set: Java: 64bit/jdk1.7.0 
-XX:-UseCompressedOops -XX:+UseParallelGC
: Archiving artifacts
: Recording test results
: Email was triggered for: Failure - Any
: Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any


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