There is a single indexchain, with a single instance of each chain
component, except those ending in -PerThread.

Though that's gonna change with

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 13:10, Simon Willnauer
<> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 10:57 AM, xu cheng <> wrote:
>> hi simon
>> thanks for replying very much.
>> after reading the source code with your suggestion, here's my understanding,
>> and I don't know whether it's right:
>> the DocumentsWriter actually don't create threads, but the codes that use
>> DocumentsWriter can do the multithreading(say, several threads call
>> updateDocument). and each thread has its DocumentsWriterThreadState, in the
>> mean while, each DocumentsWriterThreadState has its own objects(the
>> *PerThread such as DocFieldProcessorPerThread, DocInverterPerThread and so
>> on )
>> as the methods of DocumentsWriter are called by multiple threads, for
>> example, 4 threads, there are 4 DocumentsWriterThreadState objects, and 4
>> index chains, ( each index chain has it's own *PerThread objects ,  to
>> process the document).
>> am I right??
> that sounds about right
> simon
>> thanks for replying again!
>> 2010/12/28 Simon Willnauer <>
>>> Hey there,
>>> so what you are looking at are classes that are created per Thread
>>> rather than shared with other threads. Lucene internally rarely
>>> creates threads or subclasses Thread, Runnable or Callable
>>> (ParallelMultiSearcher is an exception or some of the merging code).
>>> Yet, inside the indexer when you add (update) a document Lucene
>>> utilizes the callers thread rather than spanning a new one. When you
>>> look at there should be a method callled
>>> getThreadState. Each indexing thread, lets say in updateDocument, gets
>>> its Thread-Private DocumentsWriterThreadState. This thread state holds
>>> a DocConsumerPerThread obtained from the DocumentsWriters DocConsumer
>>> (see the indexing chain). DocConsumerPerThread in that case is some
>>> kind of decorator that hold other DocConsumerPerThread instances like
>>> TermsHashPerThread etc.
>>> The general pattern is for each DocConsumer you can get a
>>> DocConsumerPerThread for your indexing thread which then consumes the
>>> document you are processing right now.
>>> I hope that helps....
>>> simon
>>> On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 4:19 AM, xu cheng <> wrote:
>>> > hi all:
>>> > I'm new to dev
>>> > these days I'm reading the source code in the index package
>>> > and I was confused.
>>> > there are classes with suffix PerThread such as
>>> > DocFieldProcessorPerThread,
>>> > DocInverterPerThread, TermsHashPerThread, FreqProxTermWriterPerThread.
>>> > in this mailing-list, I was told that they are multithreaded.
>>> > however, there are some difficulties for me to understand!
>>> > I see no sign that they inherited from the Thread , or implement the
>>> > Runnable, or something else??
>>> > how do they map to the OS thread??
>>> > thanks ^_^
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