Thanks! I somewhat remember seeing that conversation but I confess I
didn't follow it that closely.

I can't cope with looking at it any more tonight, but I'll check in
the morning. The problem I see is I don't think there's any way, once
a node is re-inserted in the queue, for another node to figure out
that it's not supposed to be the leader if it's first in line after
the nodes are sorted, but I may have missed that.


On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Jessica Mallet <> wrote:
> This is reminiscent of my conversation with Noble on this SOLR-6095 starting
> at this comment:
> Unfortunately I dropped off following it and my memory is a bit vague right
> now. Reading from the comments, I think Noble had in mind that the
> tie-breaker can pick the wrong node (n2) to be the leader, but then the
> wrong node will then re-initiate the process to renounce leadership and
> re-join (according to
> I then asked about when that renounce process will happen for n2
> (,
> and I'm not sure if that was ever specifically answered. Figuring if and how
> that happens might be key in moving forward?
> Jessica
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Erick Erickson <>
> wrote:
>> I'm particularly interested in Noble and Mark's comments...
>> Let's say you have 5 nodes in n1, n2, n3, n4, n5.
>> n1 is the leader, n2 watches n1 etc.
>> Now I retryElection for n3 with joinAtHead=true. Both n2 and n3 are
>> watching n1. So far, so good.
>> My expectation is that deleting n1 would cause n3 to become leader,
>> but it isn't at all guaranteed. I have a test case illustrating this.
>> Incidentally, I think I should get the same result by calling
>> retryElection on n1 with joinAtHead=false; n3 should become the
>> leader.
>> I was working on SOLR-6691 and slowly going crazy since everything I
>> was trying would fail. Basically, to rebalance leaders (thanks Noble
>> for pointing out how far off I was in my original approach) it seemed
>> like it would be sufficient to
>> 1> have the preferred leader retry the election at the head
>> 2> tell the old leader to retry at the tail
>> I expected the old node that was watching the leader to figure out
>> that it wasn't really next in line and re-add itself to the end.
>> But things went all to hell in a handbasket when I wrote a harness
>> that exercised it, and it drove me a bit nuts. Especially since it
>> would fail one way one time and another way the next. And it'd even
>> succeed upon occasion....
>> I figured out that my expectations weren't being met. Due to the way
>> leader queues are sorted, if the two sequence numbers are identical
>> then the tie-breaker does NOT pick the last node to join at head.  It
>> picks the one with the lowest (highest? didn't track that down
>> entirely) session ID. Either way, sometimes it picks the node newly
>> added at the head and sometimes it picks the old one.
>> If I _am_ on the right path, then I propose the following:
>> 1> I'll raise a new JIRA for leader sequence sorting and take it on.
>> I'm not quite sure how fix it, the ideas I have are fairly hacky.
>> 2> I'll back out the REBALANCELEADER  stuff. Currently it'll break
>> things badly and we're too close to 5.0 to try to do anything about
>> <1> IMO. this just means that I'll comment out the collections API
>> call in the code and update the ref guide.
>> 3> When <1> is resolved, I'll put REBALANCELEADERs back in, but that
>> won't be before 5.1
>> Erick
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