Two scenarios I observed where we can bring up a replica even when I think
it shouldn't. legacyCloud is set to false.

   - I have two nodes A and B.
   - CREATE collection 'test' with 1 shard, 1 replica. It gets created on
   node A.
   - manually copy test_shard1_replica1 folder to node B's solr home.
   - Bring down node A.
   - Restart node B. The shard comes up registering itself on node B and
   becomes 'active'

   - I have two nodes A and B ( this is down currently ).
   - CREATE collection 'test' with 1 shard, 1 replica. It gets created on
   node A.
   - manually copy test_shard1_replica1 folder to node B's solr home.
   - Start node B. The shard comes up registering itself on node B and
   stays 'down'. The reason being the leader is still node A but clusterstate
   has base_url of Node B. This is the error in the logs - "Error getting
   leader from zk for shard shard1

In legacyCloud=false you get a 'no_such_replica in clusterstate' error if
the 'coreNodeName' is not present in clusterstate.

But in my two observations the 'coreNodeName' were the same, hence I ran
into that scenario.

Should we make the check more stringent to not allow this to happen? Check
against base_url also?

Also should we be making legacyCloud=false as default in 5.x?

Varun Thacker

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