What do y'all think about changing the schema.xml file as follows (comment
only), I've seen confusion on the boards about this. I'd leave out all the
<> stuff, they just mark my proposed changes.

If it's worthwhile I'll make a patch and modify the "Field Options by Use
Case" Wiki page...

>      <The next three options increase performance for various ancillary
functions (e.g. Highlighting). They>
>     <may all be "false" (the default) for normal Solr functionality (e.g.
Phrase queries).>
      termVectors: [false] set to true to store the term vector for a
        given field.
        When using MoreLikeThis, fields used for similarity should be
        stored for best performance.
      termPositions: <[false]> Store position information with the term
>        This will increase storage costs. <termVectors must be true to use
this option.>
      termOffsets: <[false]> Store offset information with the term vector.
>        will increase storage costs. <termVectors must be true to use this


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