Hi Dmitry,

Ideally, the token stream produces tokens that have a startOffset >= the
startOffset of the previous token from the stream.  Sometime in the past
year or so, this was enforced at the indexing layer, I think.  There used
to be TokenFilters that violated this contract; I think earlier versions of
WordDelimiterFilter could.  If my assumption that this is asserted at the
indexing layer is correct, then I think TokenOrderingFilter is obsolete.

~ David

On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 7:48 AM Dmitry Kan <dmitry.luc...@gmail.com> wrote:

>    Hi guys,
> Sorry for sending questions to the dev list and not to the user one.
> Somehow I'm getting more luck here.
> We have found the class o.a.solr.highlight.TokenOrderingFilter
> with the following comment:
> -/**
>    - * Orders Tokens in a window first by their startOffset ascending.
>    - * endOffset is currently ignored.
>    - * This is meant to work around fickleness in the highlighter only.  It
>    - * can mess up token positions and should not be used for indexing or 
> querying.
>    - */
>    -final class TokenOrderingFilter extends TokenFilter {
> In fact, removing this class didn't change the behaviour of the highlighter.
> Could anybody shed light on its necessity?
> Thanks,
> Dmitry Kan

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