We are using Solr 4.7.2 and we found that when we run 
CheckIndex.checkIndex on one of the Solr shards we are getting the error 
Both replicas of the shard had the same error.
The shard index looked healthy:
1) It appeared active in the Solr admin page.
2) We could run searches against it.
3) No relevant errors where found in Solr logs.
4) After we optimized the index in LUKE, CheckIndex did not report any 

My questions:
1) Is this is a real issue or a known bug in CheckIndex code that cause 
false negative ?
2) Is there a known fix for this issue?

Here is the error we got:
 validateIndex Segments file=segments_bhe numSegments=15 version=4.7 
format= userData={commitTimeMSec=1432689607801}
  1 of 15: name=_6cth docCount=248744
    size (MB)=86.542
    diagnostics = {timestamp=1428883354605, os=Linux, 
os.version=2.6.32-431.23.3.el6.x86_64, mergeFactor=10, source=merge, 
lucene.version=4.7.2 1586229 - rmuir - 2014-04-10 09:00:35, os.arch=amd64, 
mergeMaxNumSegments=-1, java.version=1.7.0, java.vendor=IBM Corporation}
    has deletions [delGen=3174]
    test: open reader.........FAILED
    WARNING: fixIndex() would remove reference to this segment; full 
java.lang.RuntimeException: liveDocs count mismatch: info=156867, vs 
    at org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex.checkIndex(CheckIndex.java:581)
    at org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex.checkIndex(CheckIndex.java:372)

Appreciate yout help,

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