15 June 2015, Apache Solr™ 5.2.1 available

The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Solr 5.2.1

Solr is the popular, blazing fast, open source NoSQL search platform
from the Apache Lucene project. Its major features include powerful
full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search, dynamic
clustering, database integration, rich document (e.g., Word, PDF)
handling, and geospatial search. Solr is highly scalable, providing
fault tolerant distributed search and indexing, and powers the search
and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.

This release contains various bug fixes and optimizations since the
5.2.0 release. The release is available for immediate download at:

Please read CHANGES.txt for a full list of new features and changes:

Solr 5.2.1 includes 8 bug fixes and 2 other changes.

Release Highlights:

* Fix javascript bug introduced by SOLR-7409 that breaks the
dataimport screen in the admin UI

* Faceting on a numeric field with a unique() subfacet function on
another numeric field can result in incorrect results or an exception

* New Facet Module should respect shards.tolerant and process all
non-failing shards instead of throwing an exception

* A request with a json content type but no body caused a null pointer exception

* SolrOutputFormat creates an invalid solr.xml in the solr home zip
for MapReduceIndexerTool

* Fix new (Angular-based) admin UI Cloud pane

* The DefaultSolrHighlighter since 5.0 was determining if payloads
were present in a way that was slow, especially when lots of fields
were highlighted. It's now fast

* Requests aren't distributed evenly if the collection isn't present locally

See the CHANGES.txt file included with the release for a full list of
changes and further details.

Please report any feedback to the mailing lists

Note: The Apache Software Foundation uses an extensive mirroring
network for distributing releases. It is possible that the mirror you
are using may not have replicated the release yet. If that is the
case, please try another mirror. This also goes for Maven access.

Happy searching!
Shalin Shekhar Mangar on behalf of the Lucene PMC.

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