Java: 32bit/jdk1.8.0_60 -server -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC

1 tests failed.

Error Message:
Index: 0, Size: 0

Stack Trace:
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(
        at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Build Log:
[...truncated 9564 lines...]
   [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.handler.TestReplicationHandler
   [junit4]   2> Creating dataDir: 
   [junit4]   2> 291253 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.SolrTestCaseJ4 ###Starting 
   [junit4]   2> 291253 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.SolrTestCaseJ4 Writing file to 
   [junit4]   2> 291256 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.Server jetty-9.2.13.v20150730
   [junit4]   2> 291257 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler Started 
   [junit4]   2> 291258 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.ServerConnector Started 
   [junit4]   2> 291259 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.Server Started @292939ms
   [junit4]   2> 291259 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.s.e.JettySolrRunner Jetty properties: 
 hostContext=/solr, hostPort=45748}
   [junit4]   2> 291259 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter SolrDispatchFilter.init(): 
   [junit4]   2> 291259 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader new SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 291277 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrXmlConfig Loading container configuration from 
   [junit4]   2> 291281 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Config-defined core root directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 291281 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer New CoreContainer 3284190
   [junit4]   2> 291281 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Loading cores into CoreContainer 
   [junit4]   2> 291281 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer loading shared library: 
   [junit4]   2> 291282 WARN  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader Can't find (or read) directory to add to 
classloader: lib (resolved as: 
   [junit4]   2> 291286 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.h.c.HttpShardHandlerFactory created with socketTimeout : 
90000,urlScheme : ,connTimeout : 15000,maxConnectionsPerHost : 
20,maxConnections : 10000,corePoolSize : 0,maximumPoolSize : 
2147483647,maxThreadIdleTime : 5,sizeOfQueue : -1,fairnessPolicy : 
false,useRetries : false,
   [junit4]   2> 291287 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.u.UpdateShardHandler Creating UpdateShardHandler HTTP client with 
params: socketTimeout=340000&connTimeout=45000&retry=true
   [junit4]   2> 291287 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.l.LogWatcher SLF4J impl is org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory
   [junit4]   2> 291287 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.l.LogWatcher Registering Log Listener [Log4j 
   [junit4]   2> 291287 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Security conf doesn't exist. Skipping setup for 
authorization module.
   [junit4]   2> 291287 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer No authentication plugin used.
   [junit4]   2> 291288 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Looking for core definitions underneath 
   [junit4]   2> 291288 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Created CoreDescriptor: {name=collection1, 
config=solrconfig.xml, transient=false, schema=schema.xml, loadOnStartup=true, 
   [junit4]   2> 291288 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Found core collection1 in 
   [junit4]   2> 291289 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Found 1 core definitions
   [junit4]   2> 291289 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader new SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 291289 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter 
   [junit4]   2> 291289 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter SolrDispatchFilter.init() done
   [junit4]   2> 291301 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrConfig current version of requestparams : -1
   [junit4]   2> 291308 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrConfig Using Lucene MatchVersion: 6.0.0
   [junit4]   2> 291326 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.Config Loaded SolrConfig: solrconfig.xml
   [junit4]   2> 291326 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.IndexSchema Reading Solr Schema from 
   [junit4]   2> 291328 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.IndexSchema [collection1] Schema name=test
   [junit4]   2> 291330 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.IndexSchema unique key field: id
   [junit4]   2> 291331 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ConfigSetProperties Did not find ConfigSet properties, assuming default 
properties: Can't find resource 'configsetprops.json' in classpath or 
   [junit4]   2> 291331 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Creating SolrCore 'collection1' using configuration from 
   [junit4]   2> 291331 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore org.apache.solr.core.MockDirectoryFactory
   [junit4]   2> 291331 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [[collection1] ] Opening new SolrCore at 
   [junit4]   2> 291331 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore JMX monitoring not detected for core: 
   [junit4]   2> 291332 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory return new directory for 
   [junit4]   2> 291332 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore New index directory detected: old=null 
   [junit4]   2> 291332 WARN  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Solr index directory 
 doesn't exist. Creating new index...
   [junit4]   2> 291332 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory return new directory for 
   [junit4]   2> 291332 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.u.RandomMergePolicy RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.AlcoholicMergePolicy: [AlcoholicMergePolicy: 
minMergeSize=0, mergeFactor=10, maxMergeSize=57614506, 
maxMergeSizeForForcedMerge=9223372036854775807, calibrateSizeByDeletes=true, 
maxMergeDocs=2147483647, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, 
   [junit4]   2> 291333 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=1
   [junit4]   2>        commit{dir=MockDirectoryWrapper(RAMDirectory@4d98f9,segFN=segments_1,generation=1}
   [junit4]   2> 291333 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation = 1
   [junit4]   2> 291333 INFO  
(OldIndexDirectoryCleanupThreadForCore-collection1) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore Looking for old index directories to cleanup for core 
collection1 in 
   [junit4]   2> 291335 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore no updateRequestProcessorChain defined as 
default, creating implicit default
   [junit4]   2> 291336 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 291337 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 291337 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 291338 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 291340 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.PluginBag requestHandler : 'lazy' created with 
   [junit4]   2> 291340 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.RequestHandlers Registered paths: 
   [junit4]   2> 291341 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Using default statsCache cache:
   [junit4]   2> 291341 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Hard AutoCommit: disabled
   [junit4]   2> 291341 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Soft AutoCommit: disabled
   [junit4]   2> 291341 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.u.RandomMergePolicy RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.LogByteSizeMergePolicy: [LogByteSizeMergePolicy: 
minMergeSize=1677721, mergeFactor=46, maxMergeSize=2147483648, 
maxMergeSizeForForcedMerge=9223372036854775807, calibrateSizeByDeletes=false, 
maxMergeDocs=2147483647, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=0.8330078125, 
   [junit4]   2> 291342 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits: num=1
   [junit4]   2>        commit{dir=MockDirectoryWrapper(RAMDirectory@4d98f9,segFN=segments_1,generation=1}
   [junit4]   2> 291342 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation = 1
   [junit4]   2> 291342 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.s.SolrIndexSearcher Opening Searcher@b72519[collection1] 
   [junit4]   2> 291342 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage File-based storage initialized to 
use dir: 
   [junit4]   2> 291342 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.RestManager Initializing RestManager with initArgs: 
   [junit4]   2> 291342 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage Reading _rest_managed.json using 
   [junit4]   2> 291343 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.RestManager Initializing 0 registered ManagedResources
   [junit4]   2> 291343 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.ReplicationHandler Replication enabled for following 
config files: schema.xml,xslt/dummy.xsl
   [junit4]   2> 291343 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.ReplicationHandler Commits will be reserved for  10000
   [junit4]   2> 291343 INFO  
(searcherExecutor-618-thread-1-processing-x:collection1) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Registered new searcher 
   [junit4]   2> 291343 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-617-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer registering core: collection1
   [junit4]   2> 291791 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.SolrTestCaseJ4 Writing file to 
   [junit4]   2> 291794 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.Server jetty-9.2.13.v20150730
   [junit4]   2> 291795 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler Started 
   [junit4]   2> 291795 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.ServerConnector Started 
   [junit4]   2> 291795 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.Server Started @293476ms
   [junit4]   2> 291795 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.s.e.JettySolrRunner Jetty properties: 
 hostContext=/solr, hostPort=36375}
   [junit4]   2> 291796 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter SolrDispatchFilter.init(): 
   [junit4]   2> 291796 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader new SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 291810 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrXmlConfig Loading container configuration from 
   [junit4]   2> 291814 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Config-defined core root directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 291814 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer New CoreContainer 20741535
   [junit4]   2> 291814 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Loading cores into CoreContainer 
   [junit4]   2> 291814 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer loading shared library: 
   [junit4]   2> 291814 WARN  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader Can't find (or read) directory to add to 
classloader: lib (resolved as: 
   [junit4]   2> 291819 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.h.c.HttpShardHandlerFactory created with socketTimeout : 
90000,urlScheme : ,connTimeout : 15000,maxConnectionsPerHost : 
20,maxConnections : 10000,corePoolSize : 0,maximumPoolSize : 
2147483647,maxThreadIdleTime : 5,sizeOfQueue : -1,fairnessPolicy : 
false,useRetries : false,
   [junit4]   2> 291820 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.u.UpdateShardHandler Creating UpdateShardHandler HTTP client with 
params: socketTimeout=340000&connTimeout=45000&retry=true
   [junit4]   2> 291820 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.l.LogWatcher SLF4J impl is org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory
   [junit4]   2> 291820 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.l.LogWatcher Registering Log Listener [Log4j 
   [junit4]   2> 291820 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Security conf doesn't exist. Skipping setup for 
authorization module.
   [junit4]   2> 291820 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer No authentication plugin used.
   [junit4]   2> 291821 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Looking for core definitions underneath 
   [junit4]   2> 291821 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Created CoreDescriptor: {name=collection1, 
config=solrconfig.xml, transient=false, schema=schema.xml, loadOnStartup=true, 
   [junit4]   2> 291821 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Found core collection1 in 
   [junit4]   2> 291821 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Found 1 core definitions
   [junit4]   2> 291822 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader new SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 291822 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter 
   [junit4]   2> 291822 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter SolrDispatchFilter.init() done
   [junit4]   2> 291832 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrConfig current version of requestparams : -1
   [junit4]   2> 291839 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrConfig Using Lucene MatchVersion: 6.0.0
   [junit4]   2> 291847 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.Config Loaded SolrConfig: solrconfig.xml
   [junit4]   2> 291847 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.IndexSchema Reading Solr Schema from 
   [junit4]   2> 291849 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.IndexSchema [collection1] Schema name=test
   [junit4]   2> 291851 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.IndexSchema unique key field: id
   [junit4]   2> 291851 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ConfigSetProperties Did not find ConfigSet properties, assuming default 
properties: Can't find resource 'configsetprops.json' in classpath or 
   [junit4]   2> 291851 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Creating SolrCore 'collection1' using configuration from 
   [junit4]   2> 291851 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore org.apache.solr.core.MockDirectoryFactory
   [junit4]   2> 291852 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [[collection1] ] Opening new SolrCore at 
   [junit4]   2> 291852 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore JMX monitoring not detected for core: 
   [junit4]   2> 291852 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory return new directory for 
   [junit4]   2> 291852 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore New index directory detected: old=null 
   [junit4]   2> 291852 WARN  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Solr index directory 
 doesn't exist. Creating new index...
   [junit4]   2> 291852 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory return new directory for 
   [junit4]   2> 291853 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.u.RandomMergePolicy RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.AlcoholicMergePolicy: [AlcoholicMergePolicy: 
minMergeSize=0, mergeFactor=10, maxMergeSize=57614506, 
maxMergeSizeForForcedMerge=9223372036854775807, calibrateSizeByDeletes=true, 
maxMergeDocs=2147483647, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, 
   [junit4]   2> 291853 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=1
   [junit4]   2>        commit{dir=MockDirectoryWrapper(RAMDirectory@1ed1409,segFN=segments_1,generation=1}
   [junit4]   2> 291853 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation = 1
   [junit4]   2> 291854 INFO  
(OldIndexDirectoryCleanupThreadForCore-collection1) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore Looking for old index directories to cleanup for core 
collection1 in 
   [junit4]   2> 291855 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore no updateRequestProcessorChain defined as 
default, creating implicit default
   [junit4]   2> 291856 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 291856 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 291857 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 291857 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 291858 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.PluginBag requestHandler : 'lazy' created with 
   [junit4]   2> 291858 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.RequestHandlers Registered paths: 
   [junit4]   2> 291858 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Using default statsCache cache:
   [junit4]   2> 291859 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Hard AutoCommit: disabled
   [junit4]   2> 291859 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Soft AutoCommit: disabled
   [junit4]   2> 291859 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.u.RandomMergePolicy RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.LogByteSizeMergePolicy: [LogByteSizeMergePolicy: 
minMergeSize=1677721, mergeFactor=46, maxMergeSize=2147483648, 
maxMergeSizeForForcedMerge=9223372036854775807, calibrateSizeByDeletes=false, 
maxMergeDocs=2147483647, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=0.8330078125, 
   [junit4]   2> 291859 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits: num=1
   [junit4]   2>        commit{dir=MockDirectoryWrapper(RAMDirectory@1ed1409,segFN=segments_1,generation=1}
   [junit4]   2> 291859 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation = 1
   [junit4]   2> 291859 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.s.SolrIndexSearcher Opening Searcher@2beccc[collection1] 
   [junit4]   2> 291859 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage File-based storage initialized to 
use dir: 
   [junit4]   2> 291859 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.RestManager Initializing RestManager with initArgs: 
   [junit4]   2> 291860 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage Reading _rest_managed.json using 
   [junit4]   2> 291860 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.RestManager Initializing 0 registered ManagedResources
   [junit4]   2> 291861 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.ReplicationHandler Poll scheduled at an interval of 
   [junit4]   2> 291861 INFO  
(searcherExecutor-628-thread-1-processing-x:collection1) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Registered new searcher 
   [junit4]   2> 291861 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-627-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer registering core: collection1
   [junit4]   2> 292324 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.ServerConnector Stopped 
   [junit4]   2> 292324 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Shutting down CoreContainer instance=20741535
   [junit4]   2> 292324 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1]  CLOSING SolrCore 
   [junit4]   2> 292324 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.UpdateHandler closing 
   [junit4]   2> 292324 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.SolrCoreState Closing SolrCoreState
   [junit4]   2> 292325 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.DefaultSolrCoreState SolrCoreState ref count has 
reached 0 - closing IndexWriter
   [junit4]   2> 292325 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.DefaultSolrCoreState closing IndexWriter with 
   [junit4]   2> 292326 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Closing main searcher on 
   [junit4]   2> 292326 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing 
MockDirectoryFactory - 2 directories currently being tracked
   [junit4]   2> 292326 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory looking to close 
   [junit4]   2> 292326 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 292326 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory looking to close 
   [junit4]   2> 292326 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 292327 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler Stopped 
   [junit4]   2> 292329 INFO  (qtp18239680-1638) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] REMOVING ALL DOCUMENTS FROM INDEX
   [junit4]   2> 292330 INFO  (qtp18239680-1638) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {deleteByQuery=*:*} 0 1
   [junit4]   2> 292332 INFO  (qtp18239680-1639) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateHandler start 
   [junit4]   2> 292332 INFO  (qtp18239680-1639) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=2
   [junit4]   2>        commit{dir=MockDirectoryWrapper(RAMDirectory@4d98f9,segFN=segments_1,generation=1}
   [junit4]   2>        commit{dir=MockDirectoryWrapper(RAMDirectory@4d98f9,segFN=segments_2,generation=2}
   [junit4]   2> 292333 INFO  (qtp18239680-1639) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation = 2
   [junit4]   2> 292333 INFO  (qtp18239680-1639) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.s.SolrIndexSearcher Opening Searcher@8abeab[collection1] main
   [junit4]   2> 292333 INFO  (qtp18239680-1639) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.UpdateHandler end_commit_flush
   [junit4]   2> 292333 INFO  
(searcherExecutor-618-thread-1-processing-x:collection1) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Registered new searcher 
   [junit4]   2> 292334 INFO  (qtp18239680-1639) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
{commit=} 0 1
   [junit4]   2> 292346 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.ServerConnector Stopped 
   [junit4]   2> 292346 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Shutting down CoreContainer instance=3284190
   [junit4]   2> 292346 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1]  CLOSING SolrCore 
   [junit4]   2> 292346 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.UpdateHandler closing 
   [junit4]   2> 292347 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.SolrCoreState Closing SolrCoreState
   [junit4]   2> 292347 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.DefaultSolrCoreState SolrCoreState ref count has 
reached 0 - closing IndexWriter
   [junit4]   2> 292347 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.DefaultSolrCoreState closing IndexWriter with 
   [junit4]   2> 292347 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Closing main searcher on 
   [junit4]   2> 292347 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing 
MockDirectoryFactory - 2 directories currently being tracked
   [junit4]   2> 292347 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory looking to close 
   [junit4]   2> 292347 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 292348 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory looking to close 
   [junit4]   2> 292348 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 292348 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler Stopped 
   [junit4]   2> 292349 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.Server jetty-9.2.13.v20150730
   [junit4]   2> 292350 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler Started 
   [junit4]   2> 292351 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.ServerConnector Started 
   [junit4]   2> 292351 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.Server Started @294031ms
   [junit4]   2> 292351 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.s.e.JettySolrRunner Jetty properties: 
 hostContext=/solr, hostPort=51091}
   [junit4]   2> 292351 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter SolrDispatchFilter.init(): 
   [junit4]   2> 292351 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader new SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 292365 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrXmlConfig Loading container configuration from 
   [junit4]   2> 292369 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Config-defined core root directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 292370 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer New CoreContainer 3715853
   [junit4]   2> 292370 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Loading cores into CoreContainer 
   [junit4]   2> 292370 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer loading shared library: 
   [junit4]   2> 292370 WARN  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader Can't find (or read) directory to add to 
classloader: lib (resolved as: 
   [junit4]   2> 292378 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.h.c.HttpShardHandlerFactory created with socketTimeout : 
90000,urlScheme : ,connTimeout : 15000,maxConnectionsPerHost : 
20,maxConnections : 10000,corePoolSize : 0,maximumPoolSize : 
2147483647,maxThreadIdleTime : 5,sizeOfQueue : -1,fairnessPolicy : 
false,useRetries : false,
   [junit4]   2> 292378 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.u.UpdateShardHandler Creating UpdateShardHandler HTTP client with 
params: socketTimeout=340000&connTimeout=45000&retry=true
   [junit4]   2> 292379 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.l.LogWatcher SLF4J impl is org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory
   [junit4]   2> 292379 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.l.LogWatcher Registering Log Listener [Log4j 
   [junit4]   2> 292379 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Security conf doesn't exist. Skipping setup for 
authorization module.
   [junit4]   2> 292379 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer No authentication plugin used.
   [junit4]   2> 292379 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Looking for core definitions underneath 
   [junit4]   2> 292380 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Created CoreDescriptor: {name=collection1, 
config=solrconfig.xml, transient=false, schema=schema.xml, loadOnStartup=true, 
   [junit4]   2> 292380 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Found core collection1 in 
   [junit4]   2> 292380 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoresLocator Found 1 core definitions
   [junit4]   2> 292381 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrResourceLoader new SolrResourceLoader for directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 292381 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter 
   [junit4]   2> 292381 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.s.SolrDispatchFilter SolrDispatchFilter.init() done
   [junit4]   2> 292392 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrConfig current version of requestparams : -1
   [junit4]   2> 292399 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.SolrConfig Using Lucene MatchVersion: 6.0.0
   [junit4]   2> 292408 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.Config Loaded SolrConfig: solrconfig.xml
   [junit4]   2> 292409 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.IndexSchema Reading Solr Schema from 
   [junit4]   2> 292411 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.IndexSchema [collection1] Schema name=test
   [junit4]   2> 292414 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.s.IndexSchema unique key field: id
   [junit4]   2> 292414 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.ConfigSetProperties Did not find ConfigSet properties, assuming default 
properties: Can't find resource 'configsetprops.json' in classpath or 
   [junit4]   2> 292414 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    ] 
o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Creating SolrCore 'collection1' using configuration from 
   [junit4]   2> 292415 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore solr.StandardDirectoryFactory
   [junit4]   2> 292415 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [[collection1] ] Opening new SolrCore at 
   [junit4]   2> 292415 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore JMX monitoring not detected for core: 
   [junit4]   2> 292415 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory return new directory for 
   [junit4]   2> 292415 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore New index directory detected: old=null 
   [junit4]   2> 292416 WARN  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Solr index directory 
 doesn't exist. Creating new index...
   [junit4]   2> 292416 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory return new directory for 
   [junit4]   2> 292416 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.u.RandomMergePolicy RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.TieredMergePolicy: [TieredMergePolicy: 
maxMergeAtOnce=17, maxMergeAtOnceExplicit=29, maxMergedSegmentMB=21.08984375, 
floorSegmentMB=1.900390625, forceMergeDeletesPctAllowed=20.546762181020675, 
segmentsPerTier=15.0, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, noCFSRatio=0.0
   [junit4]   2> 292440 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore SolrDeletionPolicy.onCommit: commits: num=1
   [junit4]   2>        
   [junit4]   2> 292441 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation = 1
   [junit4]   2> 292442 INFO  
(OldIndexDirectoryCleanupThreadForCore-collection1) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore Looking for old index directories to cleanup for core 
collection1 in 
   [junit4]   2> 292443 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore no updateRequestProcessorChain defined as 
default, creating implicit default
   [junit4]   2> 292444 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 292444 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 292445 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 292445 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.l.XMLLoader xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds=60
   [junit4]   2> 292446 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.PluginBag requestHandler : 'lazy' created with 
   [junit4]   2> 292446 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.RequestHandlers Registered paths: 
   [junit4]   2> 292446 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Using default statsCache cache:
   [junit4]   2> 292446 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Hard AutoCommit: disabled
   [junit4]   2> 292447 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore Soft AutoCommit: disabled
   [junit4]   2> 292447 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.u.RandomMergePolicy RandomMergePolicy wrapping class 
org.apache.lucene.index.TieredMergePolicy: [TieredMergePolicy: 
maxMergeAtOnce=26, maxMergeAtOnceExplicit=18, maxMergedSegmentMB=25.4716796875, 
floorSegmentMB=0.990234375, forceMergeDeletesPctAllowed=28.125055188957507, 
segmentsPerTier=43.0, maxCFSSegmentSizeMB=8.796093022207999E12, noCFSRatio=0.0
   [junit4]   2> 292447 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore SolrDeletionPolicy.onInit: commits: num=1
   [junit4]   2>        
   [junit4]   2> 292447 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore newest commit generation = 1
   [junit4]   2> 292447 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.s.SolrIndexSearcher Opening Searcher@b18f4b[collection1] 
   [junit4]   2> 292447 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage File-based storage initialized to 
use dir: 
   [junit4]   2> 292448 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.RestManager Initializing RestManager with initArgs: 
   [junit4]   2> 292448 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.ManagedResourceStorage Reading _rest_managed.json using 
   [junit4]   2> 292448 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.r.RestManager Initializing 0 registered ManagedResources
   [junit4]   2> 292448 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.ReplicationHandler Replication enabled for following 
config files: schema.xml
   [junit4]   2> 292448 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.h.ReplicationHandler Commits will be reserved for  10000
   [junit4]   2> 292448 INFO  
(searcherExecutor-639-thread-1-processing-x:collection1) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Registered new searcher 
   [junit4]   2> 292448 INFO  (coreLoadExecutor-638-thread-1) [    
x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer registering core: collection1
   [junit4]   2> 292891 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[0]} 0 6
   [junit4]   2> 292894 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[1]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292896 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[2]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292898 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[3]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292900 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[4]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292902 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[5]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292904 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[6]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292906 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[7]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292907 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[8]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292909 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[9]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292911 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[10]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292913 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[11]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292915 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[12]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292917 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[13]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292919 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[14]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292920 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[15]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292923 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[16]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292924 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[17]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292926 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[18]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292928 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[19]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292930 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[20]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292931 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[21]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292933 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[22]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292935 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[23]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292937 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[24]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292939 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[25]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292941 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[26]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292943 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[27]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292945 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[28]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292947 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[29]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292949 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[30]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292951 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[31]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292952 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[32]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292954 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[33]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292956 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[34]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292958 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[35]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292959 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[36]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292961 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[37]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292963 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[38]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292966 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[39]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292968 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[40]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292970 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[41]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292971 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[42]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292973 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[43]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292982 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[44]} 0 7
   [junit4]   2> 292984 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[45]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292986 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[46]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292988 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[47]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292990 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[48]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292992 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[49]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292994 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[50]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292995 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[51]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292997 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[52]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 292999 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[53]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293002 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[54]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293004 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[55]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293006 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[56]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293007 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[57]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293009 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[58]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293011 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[59]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293013 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[60]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293015 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[61]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293017 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[62]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293019 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[63]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293021 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[64]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293023 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[65]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293024 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[66]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293027 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[67]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293028 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[68]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293030 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[69]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293032 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[70]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293034 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[71]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293035 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[72]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293038 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[73]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293040 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[74]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293042 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[75]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293043 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[76]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293045 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[77]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293047 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[78]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293049 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[79]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293051 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[80]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293053 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[81]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293055 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[82]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293056 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[83]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293058 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[84]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293060 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[85]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293062 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[86]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293063 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[87]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293065 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[88]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293067 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[89]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293069 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[90]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293071 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[91]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293072 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[92]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293075 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[93]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293076 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[94]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293078 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[95]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293080 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[96]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293081 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[97]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293083 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[98]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293085 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[99]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293087 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[100]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293089 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[101]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293091 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[102]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293092 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[103]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293094 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[104]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293096 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[105]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293098 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[106]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293099 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[107]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293101 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[108]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293103 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[109]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293105 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[110]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293107 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[111]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293109 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[112]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293111 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[113]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293113 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[114]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293114 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[115]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293116 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[116]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293118 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[117]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293122 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[118]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293124 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[119]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293126 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[120]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293128 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[121]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293129 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[122]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293131 INFO  (qtp21582890-1678) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[123]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293133 INFO  (qtp21582890-1679) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[124]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293135 INFO  (qtp21582890-1680) [    x:collection1] 
o.a.s.u.p.LogUpdateProcessor [collection1] webapp=/solr path=/update 
params={wt=javabin&version=2} {add=[125]} 0 0
   [junit4]   2> 293137 INFO  (qtp2158289

[...truncated too long message...]

 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.DefaultSolrCoreState closing IndexWriter with 
   [junit4]   2> 411431 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Closing main searcher on 
   [junit4]   2> 411431 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing 
MockDirectoryFactory - 2 directories currently being tracked
   [junit4]   2> 411431 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory looking to close 
   [junit4]   2> 411431 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 411431 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory looking to close 
   [junit4]   2> 411431 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 411432 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler Stopped 
   [junit4]   2> 411432 INFO  
 [    ] o.e.j.s.ServerConnector Stopped 
   [junit4]   2> 411432 INFO  
 [    ] o.a.s.c.CoreContainer Shutting down CoreContainer instance=7752017
   [junit4]   2> 411433 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1]  CLOSING SolrCore 
   [junit4]   2> 411433 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.UpdateHandler closing 
   [junit4]   2> 411433 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.SolrCoreState Closing SolrCoreState
   [junit4]   2> 411434 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.DefaultSolrCoreState SolrCoreState ref count has 
reached 0 - closing IndexWriter
   [junit4]   2> 411434 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.u.DefaultSolrCoreState closing IndexWriter with 
   [junit4]   2> 411434 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [collection1] Closing main searcher on 
   [junit4]   2> 411434 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing 
MockDirectoryFactory - 2 directories currently being tracked
   [junit4]   2> 411435 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory looking to close 
   [junit4]   2> 411435 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 411435 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory looking to close 
   [junit4]   2> 411435 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.a.s.c.CachingDirectoryFactory Closing directory: 
   [junit4]   2> 411435 INFO  
 [    x:collection1] o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler Stopped 
   [junit4]   2> 411437 INFO  
(SUITE-TestReplicationHandler-seed#[1FE787FC5C139B91]-worker) [    ] 
o.a.s.SolrTestCaseJ4 ###deleteCore
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: leaving temporary files on disk at: 
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: test params are: 
 chunkSize=2, maxDocsPerChunk=2, blockSize=876), 
 chunkSize=2, blockSize=876)), 
sim=RandomSimilarityProvider(queryNorm=true,coord=crazy): {}, locale=ar_JO, 
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: Linux 3.19.0-26-generic i386/Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_60 
   [junit4]   2> NOTE: All tests run in this JVM: [TestPseudoReturnFields, 
TestExceedMaxTermLength, TestSortingResponseWriter, CdcrReplicationHandlerTest, 
SignatureUpdateProcessorFactoryTest, TestDocumentBuilder, 
TestIBSimilarityFactory, TestPKIAuthenticationPlugin, 
HdfsChaosMonkeySafeLeaderTest, DistributedQueryComponentOptimizationTest, 
SOLR749Test, BufferStoreTest, TestSerializedLuceneMatchVersion, 
AnalysisAfterCoreReloadTest, SolrXmlInZkTest, TestFoldingMultitermQuery, 
SaslZkACLProviderTest, TestRealTimeGet, TestBlobHandler, TestStandardQParsers, 
TestRandomMergePolicy, XsltUpdateRequestHandlerTest, TestComponentsName, 
TestPhraseSuggestions, PeerSyncTest, LeaderElectionIntegrationTest, 
JsonLoaderTest, TestSchemaResource, TestReplicationHandler]
   [junit4] Completed [97/543] on J0 in 120.20s, 13 tests, 1 error <<< FAILURES!

[...truncated 1402 lines...]
/home/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-trunk-Linux/build.xml:775: The following 
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-trunk-Linux/build.xml:719: The following 
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-trunk-Linux/build.xml:59: The following 
error occurred while executing this line:
/home/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-trunk-Linux/solr/build.xml:233: The 
following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/jenkins/workspace/Lucene-Solr-trunk-Linux/solr/common-build.xml:514: The 
following error occurred while executing this line:
The following error occurred while executing this line:
There were test failures: 543 suites, 2147 tests, 1 error, 71 ignored (35 

Total time: 48 minutes 57 seconds
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
[WARNINGS] Skipping publisher since build result is FAILURE
Recording test results
Email was triggered for: Failure - Any
Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any

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