Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2016 13:58:52 +0000
Subject: Re: Breaking Java back-compat in Solr

I think that our Maven integration only publishes Lucene/Solr artifacts to 
Maven central, but I don't think the POMs actually produce the artifacts? I 
could be wrong though ...MG>at least *not yet*

If that's the case, then we'd need to only add these to Solr's build.xml, like 
it's done in Lucene.
MG>common-build.xml jarify macrodef seems to do the heavy lifting to aggregate 
the jar <macrodef name="jarify" description="Builds a JAR file">         
<attribute name="basedir" default="${build.dir}/classes/java"/>         
<attribute name="destfile" default="${build.dir}/${}.jar"/>   
<attribute name="title" default="Lucene Search Engine: ${}"/>   
 <attribute name="excludes" default="**/pom.xml,**/*.iml"/>    <attribute 
name="metainf.source.dir" default="${common.dir}"/>    <attribute 
name="implementation.title" default="org.apache.lucene"/>    <attribute 
name="manifest.file" default="${manifest.file}"/>    <element name="filesets" 
optional="true"/>    <element name="jarify-additional-manifest-attributes" 
optional="true"/>    <sequential>      <build-manifest title="@{title}"         
 manifest.file="@{manifest.file}">        <additional-manifest-attributes>      
    <jarify-additional-manifest-attributes />        
</additional-manifest-attributes>      </build-manifest>            <jar 
destfile="@{destfile}"           basedir="@{basedir}"           
manifest="@{manifest.file}"           excludes="@{excludes}">        <metainf 
dir="@{metainf.source.dir}" includes="LICENSE.txt,NOTICE.txt"/>        
<filesets />      </jar>    </sequential>  </macrodef>
MG>thanks shai...Martin

On Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 3:35 PM Martin Gainty <> wrote:

can you also add this to lucene pom.xml ?


Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2016 07:57:26 +0000
Subject: Re: Breaking Java back-compat in Solr

As for SOLR-8475, I will commit it to trunk only. But I think that we should 
come up w/ concrete annotations in our code, and annotate classes as we go, to 
back our back-compat policy. I propose that we add these:

@solr.internal - this is internal API and will change without notice. No 
back-compat guarantees.
@solr.experimental - this is a candidate for a new public API, but will likely 
change until it stabilizes. No (strong) back-compat guarantees. - while you can use this API, we cannot guarantee strong 
back-compat support. Will be on a per-case basis.
@solr.public - this is our public API, standard back-compat policy. Of course, 
if something needs break, we'll discuss the case, but otherwise users who use 
this API can expect to upgrade minor releases without re-compiling their code. 
Immediate candidate is SolrJ.

I also propose that until we tag all classes, we treat "no annotation" as 
@solr.internal (except for SolrJ code). That will force us to explicitly tag 
classes that we think should at least be @solr.public, since that's the only 
annotation that should draw the attention of developers.

If people agree, we can add these annotations to the build.xml, to add proper 
text to javadocs.


On Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 2:15 AM Jack Krupansky <> wrote:
With the talk of 6.0 coming out real soon and not waiting for new work, will 
this 6.0/5.x issue become moot and morph into an issue for 7.0/6.x?
Settling the criteria for Solr plugin API back-compat still seems urgent, but 
if the SOLR-8475 work can quickly get committed to trunk for 6.0 maybe that 
takes some of the pressure off. Still, I'd prefer that the back-compat criteria 
be settled ASAP.
-- Jack Krupansky

On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 10:43 AM, Yonik Seeley <> wrote:
On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 1:03 AM, Anshum Gupta <> wrote:

> As I understand, seems like there's reasonable consensus that we will:


> 1. provide strong back-compat for for SolrJ and REST APIs

> 2. Strive to maintain but not guarantee *strong* back-compat for Java APIs.

I think this actually represents what our current policy already is.

The sticking point is perhaps "Strive to maintain" is changing

definition to become much more lenient, to the point of being


Let's look at the issue that spawned this thread:  (Some refactoring to


The issue is if QueryCommand and QueryResult should be moved out of

SolrIndexSearcher in 5.x (essentially a rename), or of that rename

should only be in 6.0.  If one's desire for a class rename (of classes

that are likely to be used by plugins) overrides #2, I'd argue that

means we essentially have no #2 at all.  Or perhaps I'm not grasping

why it's really that important to rename those classes.

Regarding annotations:

Multiple people have suggested annotating classes that should remain

back compat.  If we were to do this, wouldn't we want those

annotations to cover the classes in question

(SolrIndexSearcher,QueryCommand,QueryResult)?  If not, what would they

cover and still be useful?



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