To anyone who is not familiar with financial crisis facing the taxpayers of 
State of Michigan
State of Michigan is attempting to determine how to fix the schools in Detroit 
to restore heat and to fix the areas where snow has collapsed roofs
in schools and caused severe water damage and mildew. The pricetag for fixing 
the Detroit School System will be a minimum of 3.4B 
State of Michigan is attempting to determine how to replace the Lead 
Contanimation Water System for the city of Flint MiThe pricetag for fixing the 
City of Flint water system will be a minimum of 1.5B US
This does not budget in providing lifetime care all of the children who are now 
suffering side-effects from drinking lead poisined 

To anyone that has attempted to collect past due monies.. interest is charged 
to a client when they fall behind in paying their bill..typically terms of 1/10 
net 90 apply which is if you pay me in 10 days I deduct 1% from your bill..if 
you wait 90 days you ADD accrued interest to principal

State of Michigan is in technical bankruptcy because they have insufficient 
funds to meet Detroit School obligation and the Flint Water obligationThe 
governor has called out the National Guard who is now delivering bottled water 
to those in Flint affected by lead poisined water
Knowing these facts can you honestly say a Consultants LLC deserves interest on 
any past due amount from the State of Michigan..that is:The consultant needs 
that money more than the child who is sitting in a freezing cold classroom 
because their is no money to turn on heat?The consultant needs that money more 
than the child who is suffering from drinking lead-poisoned water in Flint?
Careful Dude (whatever the term dude means)..the citizens of Michigan are 
listening to your response

Subject: RE: LLC expense figures and interest income
Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 20:16:39 -0500

$3939  is chump change for professional consultants (whatever thats supposed to 
be) for local 'consultants'waste and fraud here in the commonwealth is measured 
in "millions "does anyone know where the LLC gets $3939  when City of Flint and 
State of Mi are supposedly bankrupt?Martin 
Son: Dad whats a LLC?
Father: In a consulting LLC when a consultant gets sued they are only 
responsible for an LLC Max Liability 
Son: I dont understand?
Father: Consulting Company LLC makes out like a bandit..the other guy eats 
                 > Date: Mon, 8 Feb 2016 11:06:02 -0800
> Subject: Re: LLC expense figures and interest income
> From:
> To:
> Sorry, autocomplete failure. Wish the tax guy's name wasn't Devin.
> Ignore please.
> No way to delete this is there?
> Erick
> On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 10:58 AM, Erick Erickson <> 
> wrote:
> > And one other question from Bernadette.
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Erick
> >
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Bernadette Malinoski <>
> > Date: Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 10:35 AM
> > Subject: LLC expense figures and interest income
> > To: Erick Erickson <>
> >
> >
> > So, on form C-EZ Devin has $3939 in expenses
> >
> > QB report has $3517 (see attached)  I think the difference might be
> > the proportion of Devin's professional fees which he was going to
> > allot to the LLC.
> >
> > Also, our UMCU interest for the Workplace Partners account is shown in
> > the attached as Other Income for the LLC.  I believe Devin has just
> > combined that with our other interest bearing accounts on the 1040.
> > That might be exactly where it belongs, but if it needs to go with the
> > business income, it would change the company numbers by just a bit on
> > all the related schedules/forms.
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