As Robert can no doubt attest, we often scramble to make sure i's are dotted 
and t's are crossed when it comes to filling out LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt 
right before releases, thereby burdening the RM with way too much work in 
validating what dependency has which license.  Thus, we've been working to 
resolve this.

In prep for the landing of LUCENE-2952 and to make life easier on release 
managers going forward, we've adopted the following conventions for dealing 
with licenses:

1. For every dependency (i.e. jar file), there needs to be a corresponding 
file-LICENSE-<LICENSE_TYPE>.txt file, as in: foo-2.3.1.jar has the 
corresponding foo-LICENSE-BSD.txt file (assuming foo is BSD licensed) in the 
same directory as the jar file.

2.  _IF_ the license requires a NOTICE entry, then there must be a file of the 
name file-NOTICE.txt, as in foo-NOTICE.txt.

Failing to meet either one will break the build once L-2952 is committed (which 
should be soon for trunk and will be backported to 3.2).

Consider yourself notified.  

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