Not exactly what you're asking, but we have a Solr cluster that runs fine
on Google Compute Engine with persistent SSD.  Under the hood the
persistent SSDs are network attached.

On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 5:47 PM, Christopher Luciano <> wrote:

> Hi I'd like to know if anyone has had much success with remote file
> systems or NAS type storage backends for SolrCloud. Right now we are using
> local disk  in a Mesos cluster but it would be great if we could use
> something more tolerant to failure. We have to perform some hacks to pin
> instances to machines in our Mesos cluster.
> We have considered systems like Ceph. We've heard from some of our storage
> experts that Lucene has certain issues with these types of parallel
> filesystems. Has anyone had experience with this or something like
> glusterfs?
> Sent from my iPad
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