Indeed I think this is a real bug -- addIndexes(IR[]) should call
flush(false, true), just like addIndexes(Dir[]) does.


On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Shai Erera <> wrote:
> Hi
> One of our users stumbled upon what seems to be a bug in trunk (didn't
> verify yet against 3x but I have a feeling it exists there as well). The
> scenario is: you want to add an index into an existing index. Beforehand,
> you want to delete all new docs from the existing index. These are the
> operations that are performed:
> 1) deleteDocuments(Term) for all the new documents
> 2) addIndexes(IndexReader)
> 3) commit
> Strangely, it looks like the deleteDocs happens *after* addIndexes. Even
> more strangely, if addIndexes(Directory) is called, the deletes are applied
> *before* addIndexes. This user needs to use addIndexes(IndexReader) in order
> to rewrite payloads using PayloadProcessorProvider. He reported this error
> using a "3x" checkout which is before the RC branch (as he intends to use
> 3.1). I wrote a short unit test that demonstrates this bug on trunk:
> {code}
>     private static IndexWriter createIndex(Directory dir) throws Exception {
>         IndexWriterConfig conf = new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_40,
> new MockAnalyzer());
>         IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(dir, conf);
>         Document doc = new Document();
>         doc.add(new Field("id", "myid", Store.NO,
>         writer.addDocument(doc);
>         writer.commit();
>         return writer;
>     }
>     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
>         // Create the first index
>         Directory dir = new RAMDirectory();
>         IndexWriter writer = createIndex(dir);
>         // Create the second index
>         Directory dir1 = new RAMDirectory();
>         createIndex(dir1);
>         // Now delete the document
>         writer.deleteDocuments(new Term("id", "myid"));
>         writer.addIndexes(;
> //        writer.addIndexes(dir1);
>         writer.commit();
>         System.out.println("numDocs=" + writer.numDocs());
>         writer.close();
>     }
> {code}
> The test as it is prints "numDocs=0", while if you switch the addIndexes
> calls, it prints 1 (which should be the correct answer).
> Before I open an issue for this, I wanted to verify that it's indeed a bug
> and I haven't missed anything in the expected behavior of these two
> addIndexes. If indeed it's a bug, I think it should be a blocker for 3.1?
> I'll also make a worthy junit test out of it.
> BTW, the user, as an intermediary solution, extends IndexWriter and calls
> flush() before the delete and addIndexes calls. It would be preferable if
> this solution can be avoided.
> Shai

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