
This has also been failing on trunk, but I can't repro it, so it's
awesome you can!

Can you turn on IW's infoStream and get the failure to happen and post
the results?

I agree this is likely a CMS thing...


On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 8:15 AM, Shai Erera <> wrote:
> Turns out this is not easily reproducible. While I am able to reproduce it
> *many times* on my machine, it's not *always*. I did notice a strange
> behavior -- when the test fails, the stack trace points to what seems to be
> an incorrect line. I don't know why, even though I 'ant clean' and 'svn up'
> etc.
> Anyway, I ported some debug messages from trunk to 3x, and with that, I see
> that the failure is on the line "assertTrue(docCount > lowerBound)" in
> checkInvariants. Below is the stacktrace (note that it points at an
> incorrect line #222 which is not the assert that fails):
> java.lang.AssertionError: docCount=10 lowerBound=100 i=7 segmentCount=11
> index=_1e(3.2):Cv1081 _1z(3.2):Cv1064 _2k(3.2):Cv1425 _35(3.2):Cv1510
> _3q(3.2):cv190 _64(3.2):cv550 _5f(3.2):cv10 _5g(3.2):cv10 _61(3.2):cv190
> _62(3.2):cv10 _63(3.2):cv10
>     at
>     at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(
>     at
> org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterMergePolicy.checkInvariants(
>     at
> org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterMergePolicy.testMaxBufferedDocsChange(
> I believe that the fact it's not always reproducible is related to CMS. I
> ran the test with -Dtests.iter=10 and it failed a couple of times with CMS,
> but if I switch to SMS and run with -Dtests.iter=100 it succeeds.
> The test includes this code:
> {code}
>     writer.commit();
>     writer.waitForMerges();
>     writer.commit();
> {code}
> It's clear that the test wants to want for CMS to finish all its merges.
> However, according to waitForMerges' javadocs: "It is guaranteed that any
> merges started *prior* to calling this method will have completed once this
> method completes."
> What if a merge starts after waitForMerges is called (due to cascaded
> merges) -- will waitForMerges still wait for it? To check that I tried the
> following:
> 1) I added another call to waitForMerges following the second commit(), but
> that didn't help (out of 100 runs, I had 3 failures).
> 2) I add this call instead: ((ConcurrentMergeScheduler)
> writer.getConfig().getMergeScheduler()).sync(); but it didn't help either (9
> out of 100 failures)
> 3) Tried to close the writer and open it, still failures.
> So I'm not sure that the problem is related to waitForMerges, however it
> clearly has something to do with CMS, because all iterations pass with SMS.
> Shai
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 7:00 AM, Shai Erera <> wrote:
>> I ran tests on 3x today and hit this:
>>     [junit] Testsuite: org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterMergePolicy
>>     [junit] Testcase:
>> testMaxBufferedDocsChange(org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterMergePolicy):
>>     [junit]
>>     [junit] junit.framework.AssertionFailedError:
>>     [junit]     at
>> org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase$LuceneTestCaseRunner.runChild(
>>     [junit]     at
>> org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase$LuceneTestCaseRunner.runChild(
>>     [junit]     at
>> org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterMergePolicy.checkInvariants(
>>     [junit]     at
>> org.apache.lucene.index.TestIndexWriterMergePolicy.testMaxBufferedDocsChange(
>>     [junit]
>>     [junit]
>>     [junit] Tests run: 6, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 2.777 sec
>>     [junit]
>>     [junit] ------------- Standard Error -----------------
>>     [junit] NOTE: reproduce with: ant test
>> -Dtestcase=TestIndexWriterMergePolicy -Dtestmethod=testMaxBufferedDocsChange
>> -Dtests.seed=-4805406970232115944:2175520643927646734
>>     [junit] NOTE: test params are: locale=el_CY_PREEURO,
>> timezone=America/Dominica
>>     [junit] NOTE: all tests run in this JVM:
>>     [junit] [TestCharArrayMap, TestLengthFilter, TestTeeSinkTokenFilter,
>> TestBinaryDocument, TestByteSlices, TestDocumentWriter,
>> TestIndexReaderClone, TestIndexWriterMergePolicy]
>>     [junit] NOTE: Windows 7 6.1 build 7600 amd64/IBM Corporation 1.6.0
>> (64-bit)/cpus=2,threads=3,free=4734480,total=13416448
>> I was able to reproduce it with the 'reproduce' line only on 3x. Also
>> reproducible if it's the only test that's running. I can look at it in 3-4
>> hours from now, so am posting this to the list in case someone gets to it
>> before me.
>> Shai

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