
No tests ran.

Build Log:
[...truncated 39773 lines...]
    [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [copy] Copying 461 files to 
     [copy] Copying 245 files to 
   [smoker] Java 1.7 
   [smoker] Java 1.8 
   [smoker] NOTE: output encoding is UTF-8
   [smoker] Load release URL 
   [smoker] Test Lucene...
   [smoker]   test basics...
   [smoker]   get KEYS
   [smoker]     0.2 MB in 0.01 sec (18.1 MB/sec)
   [smoker]   check changes HTML...
   [smoker]   download lucene-5.5.2-src.tgz...
   [smoker]     28.7 MB in 0.03 sec (1112.9 MB/sec)
   [smoker]     verify md5/sha1 digests
   [smoker]   download lucene-5.5.2.tgz...
   [smoker]     63.4 MB in 0.06 sec (1095.6 MB/sec)
   [smoker]     verify md5/sha1 digests
   [smoker]   download
   [smoker]     73.9 MB in 0.07 sec (1059.5 MB/sec)
   [smoker]     verify md5/sha1 digests
   [smoker]   unpack lucene-5.5.2.tgz...
   [smoker]     verify JAR metadata/identity/no javax.* or java.* classes...
   [smoker]     test demo with 1.7...
   [smoker]       got 6190 hits for query "lucene"
   [smoker]     checkindex with 1.7...
   [smoker]     test demo with 1.8...
   [smoker]       got 6190 hits for query "lucene"
   [smoker]     checkindex with 1.8...
   [smoker]     check Lucene's javadoc JAR
   [smoker]   unpack
   [smoker]     verify JAR metadata/identity/no javax.* or java.* classes...
   [smoker]     test demo with 1.7...
   [smoker]       got 6190 hits for query "lucene"
   [smoker]     checkindex with 1.7...
   [smoker]     test demo with 1.8...
   [smoker]       got 6190 hits for query "lucene"
   [smoker]     checkindex with 1.8...
   [smoker]     check Lucene's javadoc JAR
   [smoker]   unpack lucene-5.5.2-src.tgz...
   [smoker]     make sure no JARs/WARs in src dist...
   [smoker]     run "ant validate"
   [smoker]     run tests w/ Java 7 and testArgs='-Dtests.slow=false'...
   [smoker]     test demo with 1.7...
   [smoker]       got 220 hits for query "lucene"
   [smoker]     checkindex with 1.7...
   [smoker]     generate javadocs w/ Java 7...
   [smoker] Crawl/parse...
   [smoker] Verify...
   [smoker]     run tests w/ Java 8 and testArgs='-Dtests.slow=false'...
   [smoker]     test demo with 1.8...
   [smoker]       got 220 hits for query "lucene"
   [smoker]     checkindex with 1.8...
   [smoker]     generate javadocs w/ Java 8...
   [smoker] Crawl/parse...
   [smoker] Verify...
   [smoker]   confirm all releases have coverage in TestBackwardsCompatibility
   [smoker]     find all past Lucene releases...
   [smoker]     run TestBackwardsCompatibility..
   [smoker]       Backcompat testing not required for release 6.0.1 because 
it's not less than 5.5.2
   [smoker]       Backcompat testing not required for release 6.0.0 because 
it's not less than 5.5.2
   [smoker]     success!
   [smoker] Test Solr...
   [smoker]   test basics...
   [smoker]   get KEYS
   [smoker]     0.2 MB in 0.00 sec (35.9 MB/sec)
   [smoker]   check changes HTML...
   [smoker]   download solr-5.5.2-src.tgz...
   [smoker]     37.6 MB in 0.76 sec (49.7 MB/sec)
   [smoker]     verify md5/sha1 digests
   [smoker]   download solr-5.5.2.tgz...
   [smoker]     130.4 MB in 1.74 sec (75.0 MB/sec)
   [smoker]     verify md5/sha1 digests
   [smoker]   download
   [smoker]     138.3 MB in 2.19 sec (63.1 MB/sec)
   [smoker]     verify md5/sha1 digests
   [smoker]   unpack solr-5.5.2.tgz...
   [smoker]     verify JAR metadata/identity/no javax.* or java.* classes...
   [smoker]     unpack lucene-5.5.2.tgz...
   [smoker]       **WARNING**: skipping check of 
 it has javax.* classes
   [smoker]       **WARNING**: skipping check of 
 it has javax.* classes
   [smoker]     copying unpacked distribution for Java 7 ...
   [smoker]     test solr example w/ Java 7...
   [smoker]       start Solr instance 
   [smoker] No process found for Solr node running on port 8983
   [smoker]       Running techproducts example on port 8983 from 
   [smoker] Creating Solr home directory 
   [smoker] Starting up Solr on port 8983 using command:
   [smoker] bin/solr start -p 8983 -s "example/techproducts/solr"
   [smoker] Waiting up to 30 seconds to see Solr running on port 8983 [|]  
 [/]   [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]   [-]   
[\]   [|]   [/]   [-]  
   [smoker] Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=2650). Happy searching!
   [smoker] Copying configuration to new core instance directory:
   [smoker] Creating new core 'techproducts' using command:
   [smoker] {
   [smoker]   "responseHeader":{
   [smoker]     "status":0,
   [smoker]     "QTime":1921},
   [smoker]   "core":"techproducts"}
   [smoker] Indexing tech product example docs from 
   [smoker] SimplePostTool version 5.0.0
   [smoker] Posting files to [base] url 
http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/update using content-type 
   [smoker] POSTing file money.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file mem.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file vidcard.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file ipod_video.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file sd500.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file gb18030-example.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file mp500.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file monitor2.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file utf8-example.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file manufacturers.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file hd.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file solr.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file monitor.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file ipod_other.xml to [base]
   [smoker] 14 files indexed.
   [smoker] COMMITting Solr index changes to 
   [smoker] Time spent: 0:00:00.456
   [smoker] Solr techproducts example launched successfully. Direct your Web 
browser to http://localhost:8983/solr to visit the Solr Admin UI
   [smoker]       test utf8...
   [smoker]       run query...
   [smoker]       stop server using: bin/solr stop -p 8983
   [smoker] Sending stop command to Solr running on port 8983 ... waiting 5 
seconds to allow Jetty process 2650 to stop gracefully.
   [smoker]  [|]   [/]   [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]  
 [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]          copying 
unpacked distribution for Java 8 ...
   [smoker]     test solr example w/ Java 8...
   [smoker]       start Solr instance 
   [smoker] No process found for Solr node running on port 8983
   [smoker]       Running techproducts example on port 8983 from 
   [smoker] Creating Solr home directory 
   [smoker] Starting up Solr on port 8983 using command:
   [smoker] bin/solr start -p 8983 -s "example/techproducts/solr"
   [smoker] Waiting up to 30 seconds to see Solr running on port 8983 [|]  
 [/]   [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]   [-]   
[\]   [|]   [/]   [-]  
   [smoker] Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=3053). Happy searching!
   [smoker] Copying configuration to new core instance directory:
   [smoker] Creating new core 'techproducts' using command:
   [smoker] {
   [smoker]   "responseHeader":{
   [smoker]     "status":0,
   [smoker]     "QTime":1756},
   [smoker]   "core":"techproducts"}
   [smoker] Indexing tech product example docs from 
   [smoker] SimplePostTool version 5.0.0
   [smoker] Posting files to [base] url 
http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/update using content-type 
   [smoker] POSTing file money.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file mem.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file vidcard.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file ipod_video.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file sd500.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file gb18030-example.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file mp500.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file monitor2.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file utf8-example.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file manufacturers.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file hd.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file solr.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file monitor.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file ipod_other.xml to [base]
   [smoker] 14 files indexed.
   [smoker] COMMITting Solr index changes to 
   [smoker] Time spent: 0:00:00.487
   [smoker] Solr techproducts example launched successfully. Direct your Web 
browser to http://localhost:8983/solr to visit the Solr Admin UI
   [smoker]       test utf8...
   [smoker]       run query...
   [smoker]       stop server using: bin/solr stop -p 8983
   [smoker] Sending stop command to Solr running on port 8983 ... waiting 5 
seconds to allow Jetty process 3053 to stop gracefully.
   [smoker]  [|]   [/]   [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]  
 [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]        unpack
   [smoker]     verify JAR metadata/identity/no javax.* or java.* classes...
   [smoker]     unpack lucene-5.5.2.tgz...
   [smoker]       **WARNING**: skipping check of 
 it has javax.* classes
   [smoker]       **WARNING**: skipping check of 
 it has javax.* classes
   [smoker]     copying unpacked distribution for Java 7 ...
   [smoker]     test solr example w/ Java 7...
   [smoker]       start Solr instance 
   [smoker] No process found for Solr node running on port 8983
   [smoker]       Running techproducts example on port 8983 from 
   [smoker] Creating Solr home directory 
   [smoker] Starting up Solr on port 8983 using command:
   [smoker] bin/solr start -p 8983 -s "example/techproducts/solr"
   [smoker] Waiting up to 30 seconds to see Solr running on port 8983 [|]  
 [/]   [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]   [-]   
[\]   [|]   [/]   [-]  
   [smoker] Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=3458). Happy searching!
   [smoker] Copying configuration to new core instance directory:
   [smoker] Creating new core 'techproducts' using command:
   [smoker] {
   [smoker]   "responseHeader":{
   [smoker]     "status":0,
   [smoker]     "QTime":1702},
   [smoker]   "core":"techproducts"}
   [smoker] Indexing tech product example docs from 
   [smoker] SimplePostTool version 5.0.0
   [smoker] Posting files to [base] url 
http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/update using content-type 
   [smoker] POSTing file money.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file mem.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file vidcard.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file ipod_video.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file sd500.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file gb18030-example.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file mp500.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file monitor2.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file utf8-example.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file manufacturers.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file hd.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file solr.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file monitor.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file ipod_other.xml to [base]
   [smoker] 14 files indexed.
   [smoker] COMMITting Solr index changes to 
   [smoker] Time spent: 0:00:00.386
   [smoker] Solr techproducts example launched successfully. Direct your Web 
browser to http://localhost:8983/solr to visit the Solr Admin UI
   [smoker]       test utf8...
   [smoker]       run query...
   [smoker]       stop server using: bin/solr stop -p 8983
   [smoker] Sending stop command to Solr running on port 8983 ... waiting 5 
seconds to allow Jetty process 3458 to stop gracefully.
   [smoker]  [|]   [/]   [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]  
 [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]          copying 
unpacked distribution for Java 8 ...
   [smoker]     test solr example w/ Java 8...
   [smoker]       start Solr instance 
   [smoker] No process found for Solr node running on port 8983
   [smoker]       Running techproducts example on port 8983 from 
   [smoker] Creating Solr home directory 
   [smoker] Starting up Solr on port 8983 using command:
   [smoker] bin/solr start -p 8983 -s "example/techproducts/solr"
   [smoker] Waiting up to 30 seconds to see Solr running on port 8983 [|]  
 [/]   [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]   [-]   
[\]   [|]   [/]   [-]  
   [smoker] Started Solr server on port 8983 (pid=3860). Happy searching!
   [smoker] Copying configuration to new core instance directory:
   [smoker] Creating new core 'techproducts' using command:
   [smoker] {
   [smoker]   "responseHeader":{
   [smoker]     "status":0,
   [smoker]     "QTime":2059},
   [smoker]   "core":"techproducts"}
   [smoker] Indexing tech product example docs from 
   [smoker] SimplePostTool version 5.0.0
   [smoker] Posting files to [base] url 
http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/update using content-type 
   [smoker] POSTing file money.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file mem.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file vidcard.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file ipod_video.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file sd500.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file gb18030-example.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file mp500.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file monitor2.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file utf8-example.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file manufacturers.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file hd.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file solr.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file monitor.xml to [base]
   [smoker] POSTing file ipod_other.xml to [base]
   [smoker] 14 files indexed.
   [smoker] COMMITting Solr index changes to 
   [smoker] Time spent: 0:00:00.363
   [smoker] Solr techproducts example launched successfully. Direct your Web 
browser to http://localhost:8983/solr to visit the Solr Admin UI
   [smoker]       test utf8...
   [smoker]       run query...
   [smoker]       stop server using: bin/solr stop -p 8983
   [smoker] Sending stop command to Solr running on port 8983 ... waiting 5 
seconds to allow Jetty process 3860 to stop gracefully.
   [smoker]  [|]   [/]   [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]  
 [-]   [\]   [|]   [/]        unpack 
   [smoker]     make sure no JARs/WARs in src dist...
   [smoker]     run "ant validate"
   [smoker]     run tests w/ Java 7 and testArgs='-Dtests.slow=false'...
   [smoker] command "export 
 ant clean test -Dtests.slow=false -Dtests.slow=false" failed:
   [smoker] Buildfile: 
   [smoker] clean:
   [smoker]    [delete] Deleting directory 
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: Apache Ivy 2.3.0 - 20130110142753 :: ::
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve-groovy:
   [smoker] [ivy:cachepath] :: resolving dependencies :: 
   [smoker] [ivy:cachepath]     confs: [default]
   [smoker] [ivy:cachepath]     found org.codehaus.groovy#groovy-all;2.4.4 in 
   [smoker] [ivy:cachepath] :: resolution report :: resolve 185ms :: artifacts 
dl 2ms
   [smoker]     |                  |            modules            ||   
artifacts   |
   [smoker]     |       conf       | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| 
   [smoker]     |      default     |   1   |   0   |   0   |   0   ||   1   |   
0   |
   [smoker] -init-totals:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] test-solr-core:
   [smoker] test:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-icu-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-icu:
   [smoker] -compile-test-lucene-queryparser:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] compile-test:
   [smoker] check-queries-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queries:
   [smoker] check-sandbox-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-sandbox:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-test-framework:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] compile-codecs:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] common.compile-test:
   [smoker] -compile-analysis-extras:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-icu-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-icu:
   [smoker] compile-solr-core:
   [smoker] compile-solrj:
   [smoker] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-lucene-core:
   [smoker] check-backward-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-backward-codecs:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
   [smoker] check-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-codecs:
   [smoker] check-expressions-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-expressions:
   [smoker] check-suggest-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-suggest:
   [smoker] check-highlighter-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-highlighter:
   [smoker] check-memory-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-memory:
   [smoker] check-misc-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-misc:
   [smoker] check-spatial-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-spatial:
   [smoker] check-grouping-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-grouping:
   [smoker] check-queries-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queries:
   [smoker] check-queryparser-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queryparser:
   [smoker] check-join-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-join:
   [smoker] check-sandbox-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-sandbox:
   [smoker] prep-lucene-jars:
   [smoker] resolve-example:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] resolve-server:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [javac] Compiling 228 source files to 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-lucene-core:
   [smoker] check-backward-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-backward-codecs:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
   [smoker] check-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-codecs:
   [smoker] check-expressions-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-expressions:
   [smoker] check-suggest-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-suggest:
   [smoker] check-highlighter-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-highlighter:
   [smoker] check-memory-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-memory:
   [smoker] check-misc-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-misc:
   [smoker] check-spatial-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-spatial:
   [smoker] check-grouping-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-grouping:
   [smoker] check-queries-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queries:
   [smoker] check-queryparser-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queryparser:
   [smoker] check-join-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-join:
   [smoker] check-sandbox-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-sandbox:
   [smoker] prep-lucene-jars:
   [smoker] resolve-example:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] resolve-server:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [javac] Compiling 886 source files to 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker]     [javac] Creating empty 
   [smoker] common-solr.compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-solrj:
   [smoker] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-lucene-core:
   [smoker] check-backward-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-backward-codecs:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
   [smoker] check-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-codecs:
   [smoker] check-expressions-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-expressions:
   [smoker] check-suggest-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-suggest:
   [smoker] check-highlighter-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-highlighter:
   [smoker] check-memory-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-memory:
   [smoker] check-misc-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-misc:
   [smoker] check-spatial-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-spatial:
   [smoker] check-grouping-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-grouping:
   [smoker] check-queries-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queries:
   [smoker] check-queryparser-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queryparser:
   [smoker] check-join-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-join:
   [smoker] check-sandbox-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-sandbox:
   [smoker] prep-lucene-jars:
   [smoker] resolve-example:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] resolve-server:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-lucene-core:
   [smoker] check-backward-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-backward-codecs:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
   [smoker] check-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-codecs:
   [smoker] check-expressions-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-expressions:
   [smoker] check-suggest-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-suggest:
   [smoker] check-highlighter-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-highlighter:
   [smoker] check-memory-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-memory:
   [smoker] check-misc-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-misc:
   [smoker] check-spatial-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-spatial:
   [smoker] check-grouping-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-grouping:
   [smoker] check-queries-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queries:
   [smoker] check-queryparser-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queryparser:
   [smoker] check-join-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-join:
   [smoker] check-sandbox-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-sandbox:
   [smoker] prep-lucene-jars:
   [smoker] resolve-example:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] resolve-server:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [javac] Compiling 1 source file to 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: 
 uses or overrides a deprecated API.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [smoker] common-solr.compile-core:
   [smoker] solr-contrib-build.compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] compile:
   [smoker] compile-solr-test-framework:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] compile-solr-core:
   [smoker] compile-solrj:
   [smoker] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-lucene-core:
   [smoker] check-backward-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-backward-codecs:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
   [smoker] check-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-codecs:
   [smoker] check-expressions-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-expressions:
   [smoker] check-suggest-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-suggest:
   [smoker] check-highlighter-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-highlighter:
   [smoker] check-memory-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-memory:
   [smoker] check-misc-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-misc:
   [smoker] check-spatial-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-spatial:
   [smoker] check-grouping-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-grouping:
   [smoker] check-queries-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queries:
   [smoker] check-queryparser-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queryparser:
   [smoker] check-join-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-join:
   [smoker] check-sandbox-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-sandbox:
   [smoker] prep-lucene-jars:
   [smoker] resolve-example:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] resolve-server:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-lucene-core:
   [smoker] check-backward-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-backward-codecs:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
   [smoker] check-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-codecs:
   [smoker] check-expressions-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-expressions:
   [smoker] check-suggest-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-suggest:
   [smoker] check-highlighter-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-highlighter:
   [smoker] check-memory-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-memory:
   [smoker] check-misc-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-misc:
   [smoker] check-spatial-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-spatial:
   [smoker] check-grouping-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-grouping:
   [smoker] check-queries-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queries:
   [smoker] check-queryparser-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queryparser:
   [smoker] check-join-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-join:
   [smoker] check-sandbox-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-sandbox:
   [smoker] prep-lucene-jars:
   [smoker] resolve-example:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] resolve-server:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker] common-solr.compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-test-framework:
   [smoker] compile-test-framework:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-codecs:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [javac] Compiling 47 source files to 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
   [smoker] compile-solrj:
   [smoker] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-lucene-core:
   [smoker] check-backward-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-backward-codecs:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
   [smoker] check-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-codecs:
   [smoker] check-expressions-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-expressions:
   [smoker] check-suggest-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-suggest:
   [smoker] check-highlighter-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-highlighter:
   [smoker] check-memory-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-memory:
   [smoker] check-misc-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-misc:
   [smoker] check-spatial-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-spatial:
   [smoker] check-grouping-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-grouping:
   [smoker] check-queries-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queries:
   [smoker] check-queryparser-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queryparser:
   [smoker] check-join-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-join:
   [smoker] check-sandbox-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-sandbox:
   [smoker] prep-lucene-jars:
   [smoker] resolve-example:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] resolve-server:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] check-lucene-core-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-lucene-core:
   [smoker] check-backward-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-backward-codecs:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-phonetic-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-phonetic:
   [smoker] check-analyzers-kuromoji-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-analyzers-kuromoji:
   [smoker] check-codecs-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-codecs:
   [smoker] check-expressions-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-expressions:
   [smoker] check-suggest-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-suggest:
   [smoker] check-highlighter-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-highlighter:
   [smoker] check-memory-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-memory:
   [smoker] check-misc-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-misc:
   [smoker] check-spatial-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-spatial:
   [smoker] check-grouping-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-grouping:
   [smoker] check-queries-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queries:
   [smoker] check-queryparser-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-queryparser:
   [smoker] check-join-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-join:
   [smoker] check-sandbox-uptodate:
   [smoker] jar-sandbox:
   [smoker] prep-lucene-jars:
   [smoker] resolve-example:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] resolve-server:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker] common-solr.compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-test-framework:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] compile-codecs:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] common.init:
   [smoker] compile-lucene-core:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] -clover.disable:
   [smoker] -clover.load:
   [smoker] -clover.classpath:
   [smoker] -clover.setup:
   [smoker] clover:
   [smoker] common.compile-core:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] common.compile-test:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [javac] Compiling 623 source files to 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe 
   [smoker]     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
   [smoker]      [copy] Copying 1 file to 
   [smoker] common-solr.compile-test:
   [smoker] compile-test:
   [smoker] install-junit4-taskdef:
   [smoker] compile-tools:
   [smoker] -check-git-state:
   [smoker] -git-cleanroot:
   [smoker] -copy-git-state:
   [smoker] git-autoclean:
   [smoker] ivy-availability-check:
   [smoker] ivy-fail:
   [smoker] ivy-configure:
   [smoker] [ivy:configure] :: loading settings :: file = 
   [smoker] resolve:
   [smoker] init:
   [smoker] compile-core:
   [smoker] validate:
   [smoker] resolve-groovy:
   [smoker] -init-totals:
   [smoker] -test:
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker] [loadresource] Do not set property tests.explicitclass as its 
length is 0.
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]     [mkdir] Created dir: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] <JUnit4> says g'day! Master seed: 9EAD60245934EA07
   [smoker]    [junit4] Executing 572 suites with 3 JVMs.
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Started J1 PID(4794@lucene1-us-west).
   [smoker]    [junit4] Started J0 PID(4804@lucene1-us-west).
   [smoker]    [junit4] Started J2 PID(4805@lucene1-us-west).
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.01s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J0 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [1/572] on J0 in 0.77s, 2 tests, 2 skipped
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.03s J1 | 
   [smoker]    [junit4]    > Assumption #1: 'slow' test group is disabled 
   [smoker]    [junit4] IGNOR/A 0.00s J1 | 

[...truncated too long message...]
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [540/572 (1!)] on J1 in 2.40s, 11 tests, 4 
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [541/572 (1!)] on J1 in 1.36s, 13 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.schema.TestManagedSchemaAPI
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [542/572 (1!)] on J2 in 13.50s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [543/572 (1!)] on J1 in 0.64s, 7 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [544/572 (1!)] on J1 in 0.30s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [546/572 (1!)] on J2 in 1.18s, 5 tests, 1 
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [547/572 (1!)] on J1 in 9.10s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [548/572 (1!)] on J2 in 11.57s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [549/572 (1!)] on J1 in 9.74s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [550/572 (1!)] on J1 in 0.12s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [551/572 (1!)] on J1 in 0.02s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.servlet.ResponseHeaderTest
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [552/572 (1!)] on J1 in 0.58s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [553/572 (1!)] on J1 in 0.74s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [554/572 (1!)] on J1 in 0.52s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [555/572 (1!)] on J1 in 0.42s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [556/572 (1!)] on J1 in 0.39s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [557/572 (1!)] on J1 in 0.01s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [558/572 (1!)] on J0 in 47.02s, 2 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [559/572 (1!)] on J2 in 29.84s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.update.AnalysisErrorHandlingTest
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [560/572 (1!)] on J2 in 0.17s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.update.DataDrivenBlockJoinTest
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [561/572 (1!)] on J2 in 0.38s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [562/572 (1!)] on J2 in 3.94s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [563/572 (1!)] on J0 in 11.82s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [564/572 (1!)] on J0 in 0.83s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [565/572 (1!)] on J0 in 0.77s, 33 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.util.DistanceUnitsTest
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [566/572 (1!)] on J0 in 0.02s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.util.TestObjectReleaseTracker
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [567/572 (1!)] on J0 in 0.01s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.util.TestRTimerTree
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [568/572 (1!)] on J0 in 0.01s, 1 test
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.util.hll.ExplicitHLLTest
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [569/572 (1!)] on J0 in 0.04s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: org.apache.solr.util.hll.FullHLLTest
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [570/572 (1!)] on J0 in 0.03s, 6 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite: 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [571/572 (1!)] on J2 in 9.53s, 5 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Suite:
   [smoker]    [junit4] Completed [572/572 (1!)] on J1 in 38.60s, 4 tests
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] Tests with failures [seed: 9EAD60245934EA07]:
   [smoker]    [junit4]   -
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] 
   [smoker]    [junit4] JVM J0:     0.72 ..   623.75 =   623.03s
   [smoker]    [junit4] JVM J1:     0.71 ..   633.43 =   632.72s
   [smoker]    [junit4] JVM J2:     0.74 ..   627.33 =   626.59s
   [smoker]    [junit4] Execution time total: 10 minutes 33 seconds
   [smoker]    [junit4] Tests summary: 572 suites (7 ignored), 2297 tests, 1 
error, 237 ignored (221 assumptions)
   [smoker] BUILD FAILED
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 The following error occurred while executing this line:
 There were test failures: 572 suites (7 ignored), 2297 tests, 1 error, 237 
ignored (221 assumptions) [seed: 9EAD60245934EA07]
   [smoker] Total time: 10 minutes 58 seconds
   [smoker] Traceback (most recent call last):
   [smoker]   File 
 line 1443, in <module>
   [smoker]     main()
   [smoker]   File 
 line 1387, in main
   [smoker]     smokeTest(, c.url, c.revision, c.version, c.tmp_dir, 
c.is_signed, ' '.join(c.test_args))
   [smoker]   File 
 line 1433, in smokeTest
   [smoker]     gitRevision, version, testArgs, baseURL)
   [smoker]   File 
 line 589, in unpackAndVerify
   [smoker]     verifyUnpacked(java, project, artifact, unpackPath, 
gitRevision, version, testArgs, tmpDir, baseURL)
   [smoker]   File 
 line 704, in verifyUnpacked
   [smoker]     java.run_java7('ant clean test -Dtests.slow=false %s' % 
testArgs, '%s/test.log' % unpackPath)
   [smoker]   File 
 line 1212, in run_java
   [smoker]     run('%s; %s' % (cmd_prefix, cmd), logfile)
   [smoker]   File 
 line 514, in run
   [smoker]     raise RuntimeError('command "%s" failed; see log file %s' % 
(command, logPath))
   [smoker] RuntimeError: command "export 
 ant clean test -Dtests.slow=false -Dtests.slow=false" failed; see log file 

exec returned: 1

Total time: 83 minutes 21 seconds
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Email was triggered for: Failure - Any
Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any

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