Hi all,

I'm sending this email as there seem to be different expectations about the
future of FieldCache depending on who you are asking. To me FieldCache (and
uninverting in general) is a legacy feature that has been superseded by doc
values since version 4.0, when we introduced them. But we seem to still
care a lot about uninverting, which does not make sense to me since
everybody should have moved to doc values already?

For the record, doc values have many benefits over FieldCache like better
compression (table compression, gcd compression, prefix compression of the
terms dicts, etc.), faster reopens, the fact that data is stored off-heap
and in master they also have better support for sparse fields, which is
something that FieldCache cannot do due to the fact that it is built in
random doc ID order (or it would have to generate more garbage and slow
down reopens even more).

The documentation (
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/DocValues) and some online
resources (eg.
are already recommending to use doc values for sorting, faceting and
function queries. I think it's time to schedule the entire removal of
FieldCache from Solr?

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