
I don't know that code intimately, but we've had sporadic reports of
memory spikes during segment merging. I'd be _really_ interested in
the perspective from some of the Lucene guys, going on the assumption
that eventually the code path is the same.


On Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 4:33 PM, Alexey Timofeev <> wrote:
> Hello!
> I am stuck with CoreAdminHandler's merge indexes functionality. It looks
> like merge indexes behaves weird if we use it with "srcCore" parameter. (If
> we use "indexDir" parameter then it works fine.) Please tell me if it's real
> bug in Solr or I am using it wrong? If community admits that it's bug
> indeed, then let's create ticket for it and I will be happy to suggest patch
> to fix it.
> Now let me explain what I think is wrong with merging indexes using
> "srcCore" parameter. Trouble is that when merge code starts to merge doc
> values fields it mistakenly determines all fields that can be uninverted to
> be doc values fields. That results in uninverting of all uninvert-able
> fields and writing result in resulting index. Thus, memory consumption is
> huge, chance of OOM is big, resulting index is bloated.
> Now, why merge code considers all uninvert-able fields to be doc values?
> It's because it considers all fields where (FieldInfo.docValuesType !=
> DocValuesType.NONE) to be doc values. FieldInfo objects are provided by
> IndexReader and as we always have UninvertingReader in chain of readers then
> we always get FieldInfo.docValuesType to be doc values type to which that
> field can be converted. Thus, we almost always have (FieldInfo.docValuesType
> != DocValuesType.NONE) and uninvert almost all fields.
> Are there a way to create core without UninvertingReader in chain of
> readers? If so then is it expected way of usage or just workaround?
> If loading core without UninvertingReader is not what I meant to do then I
> would suggest to consult schema to find out what fields are doc values
> instead of relying on FieldInfo.docValuesType.
> Thank you in advance. Looking forward to your replies!
> --
> Regards.

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