Hi all,

At the London and Boston hackdays a couple of months back, I started to work on 
an upgrade/replacement for Luke.  My idea was to have something that would 
provide a read-only view of an index, which would be useful both for inspection 
and debugging of indexes, and as a training tool.  I also wanted it to display 
via a browser, so that it could be used on remote servers, and to use only 
Apache-licensed components, with a view to eventually contributing it back to 
the lucene core project.

My colleague Tom Mortimer and I have been working on this on-and-off for a few 
weeks now, and it’s in a sort of nearly-ready state - I’ve already found it 
useful on a couple of client projects - so I thought the list would be 
interested in trying it out.  It’s by no means finished, and there are quite a 
few rough edges and probably some exciting bugs.  But please feel free to poke 
around and open issues (and submit pull requests!).

The application divides up into two parts: a dropwizard-based webapp that 
exposes the various parts of the index (fields, terms, postings, points, 
docvalues, documents, etc) as json; and a React-based UI that makes this 
navigable.  The first part is nearly feature-complete, although there are a few 
missing bits (I haven’t done anything with termvectors yet, for example, or 
index statistics).  The UI is still missing panels for postings lists and for 
points, but everything else is mostly there.

The repository is here: https://github.com/flaxsearch/marple 

Please download it, play around with it, and let me know what you think!

Thanks to Steve Rowe, Shinichiro Abe and Eric Pugh for some early 
contributions, and to Andrzej Białecki for convincing me that it wasn’t a dumb 

Alan Woodward
www.flax.co.uk <http://www.flax.co.uk/>

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