Thanks Steve for the guidance!

Since LUCENE-7676 and SOLR-10083 were both (unreleased) 6.5.0 to 6.4.2 
backports I have gone ahead and moved the CHANGES.txt entries on both branch_6x 
and master (after the branch_6_4 commit itself).

My plan for is to have it in 
the 6.4.2 section from the outset (if it goes into the 6.4.2 release that is).


----- Original Message -----
At: 02/22/17 13:42:54

Hi Christine,

> On Feb 22, 2017, at 5:10 AM, Christine Poerschke (BLOOMBERG/ LONDON) 
> <> wrote:
> What process do people typically follow w.r.t. updating CHANGES.txt on 
> branch_6x and master in those circumstances e.g. do the entries move from the 
> 6.5 to the 6.4.2 section or are they duplicated in the 6.4.2 section or is it 
> taken care of somehow overall (for master and branch_6x but not branch_6_4) 
> as part of the RC process?

It’s typically a mess: some people move CHANGES entries on the unstable and 
stable branches when they backport to point releases, some don't.  There’s a 
TODO item for the release manager to sync CHANGES post-release: 

It’s complicated by the fact that entries should never be removed from 
*released* versions, so issues backported to a point release for an older 
branch typically don’t ever trigger *removal* of duplicate entries elsewhere, 
just copy/paste of the point release’s section into the stable & unstable 
branches’ CHANGES.

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