I didn't know that it was decided that top-level modules issues go under the
Lucene project. That indeed reduces some of the confusion (as long as users
will adhere to it, but I guess it's also up to us to enforce it).

So Lucene project becomes "everything that is not precisely Solr, i.e. not
under solr/"?

I think that one day we will need to merge. The more modules we'll have, the
less issues will be open under Solr project (if it uses those modules). I
agree w/ what Simon wrote - users will get used to it, so that's not a good
reason IMO. Also, if we keep claiming the user base is different, then I
think we have a problem ... every Solr user is also a Lucene user
(eventually) -- true, some only interact w/ Solr REST API, and may not
know/care Lucene is run at the lower level. But for the community's sake, I
think merging JIRA will only help down the road.

Not very related to JIRA merge, but still ... if I look at Lucene project
today, I see ~30 issues marked for 3.2, so I think to myself "well, 3.2 in
maybe a month seems reasonable". But then I look at Solr project and see
~230 marked for 3.2 and I think "if we need to release both Lucene and Solr,
then we're definitely far from 3.2".

Now, I don't know if Solr's ~230 is just bad JIRA management, and most of
the issues are just drifted from version to version for several releases, or
Solr really has 230 issues that need to be addressed in 3.2, and then we
have a serious manpower.

I'm not saying that if the two were merged under the same project we'd have
*less* 3.2 issues overall for sure, but I have a feeling that would happen,
because at least for me, it's hard to track two projects and I usually look
@ Lucene. I can imagine that if they were merged under the same project, and
I'd see a longer list of issues, I'd do something (radical, like
closing/cleaning them :)). But I'm only guessing. Maybe I should try to run
w/ Hoss's query for some time and see if it affects my "itch" to reduce the
number of issues.

At the end of the day, I don't think we can maintain two projects for much
longer, and I don't think it's the right thing to do at all. And if one day
we'll merge JIRA projects, then tomorrow is as good a day as any other day.
Our users, I'm sure, will get used to it very quickly. I doubt users care
that much about the prefix SOLR-* for Solr issues.


On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 10:10 PM, Simon Willnauer <
simon.willna...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 9:23 PM, Steven A Rowe <sar...@syr.edu> wrote:
> > On 5/17/2011 at 3:02 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:
> >> If we were starting from scratch, i'd agree with you that having a
> single
> >> Jira project makes more sense, but given where we are today, i think we
> >> should probably keep them distinct -- partly from a "pain of migration"
> >> standpoint on our end, but also from a user expecations standpoint -- i
> >> think the Solr users/community as a whole is use to the existence of the
> >> SOLR project in Jira, and use to the SOLR-* issue naming convention, and
> >> it would likely be more confusing for *them* to change now.
> just a few words. I disagree here with you hoss IMO the suggestion to
> merge JIRA would help to move us closer together and help close the
> gap between Solr and Lucene. I think we need to start identifying us
> with what we work on. It feels like we don't do that today and we
> should work hard to stop that and make hard breaks that might hurt but
> I think its the way to go. Drawn from what has happend in the last
> weeks / month it would be good to start from the scratch at least in
> JIRA. I'd go even further and nuke the name entirely and call
> everything lucene - I know not many folks like the idea and it might
> take a while to bake in but I think for us (PMC / Committers) and the
> community it would be good. I am not calling a vote here just stating
> my opinion.
> here is my +1 to the JIRA suggestion
> Simon
> >
> > +1
> >
> >
> >
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