Welcome Mike! From: dev@lucene.apache.org At: 05/08/17 16:42:41 To: dev@lucene.apache.org, md...@apache.org Subject: Re:Welcome Mike Drob as Lucene/Solr committer
I'm pleased to announce that Mike Drob has accepted the PMC's invitation to become a committer. Mike, it's tradition that you introduce yourself with a brief bio / origin story, explaining how you arrived here. Your existing Apache handle has already added to the “lucene" LDAP group, so you now have commit privileges. Please celebrate this rite of passage, and confirm that the right karma has in fact enabled, by embarking on the challenge of adding yourself to the committers section of the Who We Are page on the website: http://lucene.apache.org/whoweare.html (use the ASF CMS bookmarklet at the bottom of the page here: https://cms.apache.org/#bookmark - more info here http://www.apache.org/dev/cms.html). Congratulations and welcome! -- - Mark about.me/markrmiller