Your question is better suited for the solr-user@lucene mailing list ...
not the dev@lucene list.  The dev list is for discussing development of
the internals of Solr and the Lucene Java library ... it is *not* the 
appropriate place to ask questions about how to use Solr or the Lucene 
Java library when developing your own applications.  Please resend your 
message to the solr-user mailing list, where you are likely to get 
more/betterresponses since that list also has a larger number of subscribers.

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS -

> 15. mai 2017 kl. 08.36 skrev S G <>:
> Hi,
> I have a question regarding the documentation at 
> for backing up the indexes to a HDFS filesystem
> 1) How frequently are the indexes backed up?
> 2) Is there a possibility of data-loss if Solr crashes between two backups?
> 3) Is it production ready?
> 4) What is the performance impact of backup?
> 5) How quick are the restores? (i.e some benchmarking of time vs index size)
> Thanks
> SG

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