Ant compile-test?

Am 14. Juni 2017 21:09:36 MESZ schrieb Jason Gerlowski <>:
>Hey all,
>Is there an ant-command we support for compiling *all* files
>(including tests) at once.
>My understanding is that "ant test" compiles each test package right
>before it's run.  This is occasionally a pain, as test runs can
>occasionally fail halfway through because of a compilation error that
>could've been caught up-front.
>It'd be really convenient if there was a command that supported the
>use case of: "just make sure everything compiles".  Does anyone know
>of an ant command to do this that I'm just missing?  ("ant test-help"
>doesn't mention any options that seem helpful).
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Uwe Schindler
Achterdiek 19, 28357 Bremen
Uwe Schindler
Achterdiek 19, 28357 Bremen

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