Hi all,

having been involved in such kind of challenge and having seen a few more
similar enquiries on the dev list, I was wondering if it may be time to
think about making it possible to have an explicit (customizable and
therefore pluggable) policy which allows people to chime into where
documents and / or segments get written (on write or on merge).
Recently there was someone asking about possibly having segments sorted by
a field using SortingMergePolicy, but as Uwe noted it's currently an
implementation detail. Personally I have tried (and failed because it was
too costly) to make sure docs belonging to certain clusters (identified by
a field) being written within same segments (for data locality / memory
footprint concerns when "loading" docs from a certain cluster).

As of today that'd be *really* hard, but I just wanted to share my feeling
that such topic might be something to keep an eye on.

My 2 cents,

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