MG>see below

From: Doug Turnbull <>
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2017 9:17 PM
Subject: Solr Ref Guide not building


I'm trying to update the Solr Ref guide with my change for SOLR-11662. I 
believe I've installed the required dependencies and double checked the README 
in the solr-ref-guide. Unfortunately, running ant build-site I immediately get 
this error, seemingly on the first adoc file encountered:

     [exec] jekyll 3.5.0 | Error:  No header received back.
     [exec]   Conversion error: Jekyll::AsciiDoc::Converter encountered an 
error while converting 'about-filters.adoc':
MG>possible ant build snafu
MG>configuration file: 
MG>Deprecation: The 'gems' configuration option has been renamed to 'plugins'.
MG>Please update your config file accordingly.
MG>check output config.yml for 'gems' and sub in 'plugins'
MG>also check ant input solr-ref-guide/config.yml.template for 'gems' instead 
of 'plugins'

I feel like I must be doing something stupid (I'll assume user error on my 
part). But if there's anything obvious I'm doing wrong, please let me know

A more complete log can be found here


Thanks for any help

Consultant, OpenSource Connections. Contact info at; Free/Busy (

Doug Turnbull<>
Search relevance consultant. Author of Relevant Search. Doug crafts 
search/recommendation solutions that “get” users. To do this, Doug uses 

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