Do we have a v2 API for CREATE and MODIFYCOLLECTION? E.g.

POST http://localhost:8983/api/c <http://localhost:8983/api/c> 
{ modify-collection: { replicationFactor: 3 } }

Perhaps we should focus on a decent v2 API and deprecate the old confusing one?

wrt. replicationFactor / nrtReplica / pullReplicas / tlogReplicas, my wish is 
that replicationFactor keeps on living as today, only setting nrtReplicas, and 
is mutually exclusive to any of the three others. So if you have a collection 
with tlogReplicas defined, then modifying "replicationFactor" should throw and 
error. But if you only ever care about NRT replicas then you can keep using 
replicationFactor as before???

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS -

> 15. jun. 2018 kl. 13:22 skrev Varun Thacker <>:
> Today the Modify Collection supports the following properties to be modified
> maxShardsPerNode
> rule
> snitch
> policy
> collection.configName
> autoAddReplicas
> replicationFactor
> 1-4 seems something we should get rid of because we have the AutoScaling 
> Policy framework?
> 5> Can anyone point out the use-case for this?
> 6> autoAddReplicas can be changed as a clusterprop and modify-collection API 
> ? Hmm. Which one is supposed to win?
> 7> We need to allow a user to change replicationFactor. But how does this 
> help? We have nrtReplicas / pullReplicas / tlogReplicas so changing this 
> sounds just confusing? Or allow changing all replica types ? 

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