Hi Ofer!

We are close to a release of 2.9.4, and another release following that of
2.9.4g (which diverges from the Java versioning/API somewhat). After that,
we'll be looking into a 3.0 release.

The schedule we hoped to achieve was a bit ambitious. We haven't had the
level of code contribution that we would have liked to have yet. That said,
it will happen, just taking longer than expected. We'll announce our
progress on the list as things are moving forward.


On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 4:01 AM, Ofer Vugman <vugman.o...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I saw that the expected release date of the 3.x version what at the end of
> June.
> Will it be released anytime soon ?
> Thanks

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