Is <add overwrite=false>  supported when there is an UpdateLog?  Perhaps
only when you are darned sure the doc is in fact uniuqe?  Maybe we should
throw an exception if you even try at all with an UpdateLog?

Context:  I'm working with Moshe, a contributor, on doc updates for nested
docs.  It's all very much WIP with TODOs but nonetheless
ConvertedLegacyTest failed due to some oddity.  It turns out this ancient
test deliberately adds docs with overwrite=false that already exist by the
same ID.  Youch!  This test very much pre-dated the UpdateLog, but at some
point the UpdateLog ended up in the default config thus this test ended up
using it.  It *appears* to be accidental luck that the test hasn't been
failing -- i.e. I doubt this situation above was deliberately made to
work.  We're fiddling with some related code and now it fails.

I'm inclined to think the test is broken by virtue of it using a config
with an UpdateLog -- something it wasn't originally designed for.
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