In some other thread or Jira that I cannot find now I proposed a new tag in 
schema to make this explicit. So instead of 50 tags defining all primitive 
types and dynamicFields, we could have one tag:

<primitiveFiledTypes enabled=«true» dynamicMappings=«true» lazy=«true»/>

This is just a draft idea. This would give a way to disable these implicit 
primitive types if they are made default on. A lazy mode could delay adding to 
scheme until first use if that saves any resources.


> 5. jan. 2019 kl. 21:29 skrev David Smiley <>:
> You would see these types in the HTTP schema API, and thus you would also end 
> up seeing it on the admin schema screen (which uses that API).
> It would not be saved back to the XML file unless you're further manipulating 
> your schema via the HTTP schema API (managed schema).  I ought to verify all 
> this manually.  As I'm sure you already know, comments / formatting do not 
> survive that round-trip.
> I'm a convention over configuration believer, and thus I prefer CoC over 
> explicitness/verbosity.  I suppose all CoC arguments could be shot down with 
> generic statements of perceived maintenance/understandability benefits.  
> Shrug; yet surely there's a case for CoC in some cases?  Let me ask you this: 
> why is it okay for databases to not have definitions of what primitives types 
> are yet in Solr you would rather it be explicit always?  That analogy is the 
> crux of it.  I'm not arguing for "text_general" or other text analyzed types 
> to be implicits; who knows where to draw the line there.  I thought 
> primitives would be a slam dunk.
>> On Sat, Jan 5, 2019 at 3:07 PM Gus Heck 
>> <> wrote:
>> To my mind the only types (or fields) that should get built-in are the ones 
>> that would break solr if they were changed. Anything else should show up in 
>> the config file. Your _nest_path_ probably falls into the "it would break 
>> solr if it changed" category. 
>> I notice in your initial post you say "So if you were to read the schema 
>> then you'd see it." if that implies that there would be a way to fetch the 
>> final_efective_schema.xml file from the server via the admin ui that might 
>> make me feel better about this. Such a file should essentially be the 
>> schema.xml (or managed_schema.xml) with a "implicit generated types - do not 
>> edit" section. Comments etc should be preserved from the original, and 
>> possibly a provenance comment (which fields rely on the implicit addition so 
>> it's easy to spot an accidental usage of the implicit type) with each 
>> implicitly added type. 
>> Simplicity of code and code maintenance is of course excellent. Simplicity 
>> for the person trying to troubleshoot a system they've just been hired to 
>> fix/improve is also excellent. I'd prefer to SEE what's going on than have 
>> to remember what's going on modulo some version matrix in my head. Hard 
>> enough remembering which admin commands are available on version X...
>>> On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 10:52 PM David Smiley <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 12:51 PM Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
>>>> Looking at what came before, my preference would have been implicitly 
>>>> defined default types -- things like int, string, etc, defined in code.  
>>>> The only problem with that comes at Solr upgrade time ... what if we 
>>>> decide for a later version (even if it's limited to a major release) 
>>>> that IntPointField shouldn't be the implicit class for "int"?  Someone 
>>>> who upgrades an index using that implicit type to the new version will 
>>>> find that Solr will no longer work.  Which makes the idea unworkable.
>>> I addressed this earlier -- search for "luceneMatchVersion" which is key.
>>> RE a file based system schema (what Alexandre suggested)... that sounds 
>>> workable but a more complex idea that would take more code & documentation 
>>> -- at least relative to the very simple idea of some built-ins in the code 
>>> (my proposal).  See SOLR-12768.patch  changes to IndexSchema. 
>>> -- 
>>> Lucene/Solr Search Committer (PMC), Developer, Author, Speaker
>>> LinkedIn: | Book: 
>> -- 
> -- 
> Lucene/Solr Search Committer (PMC), Developer, Author, Speaker
> LinkedIn: | Book: 

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