So, it seems that all automatic commit links in the JIRA issues are
now going to 404....


Does it mean:
1) We just lost direct 'check the changes' capability
2) The script that posts these URLs need to be updated as well?

Any chance we can ask for automatic redirect to new (?) location for
this request pattern?


On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 at 18:38, Uwe Schindler <> wrote:
> I changed all jobs on Policeman Jenkins with the following script in the 
> Admin interface (thanks to Stackoverflow):
> import hudson.plugins.git.*
> import jenkins.*
> import jenkins.model.*
> def modifyGitUrl(url) {
>   if (url=='git://') {
>      return '';
>   }
>   return url;
> }
> Jenkins.instance.items.each {
>   if (it.scm instanceof GitSCM) {
>     def oldScm = it.scm
>     def newUserRemoteConfigs = oldScm.userRemoteConfigs.collect {
>       new UserRemoteConfig(modifyGitUrl(it.url),, it.refspec, 
> it.credentialsId)
>     }
>     def newScm = new GitSCM(newUserRemoteConfigs, oldScm.branches, 
> oldScm.doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations,
>                             oldScm.submoduleCfg, oldScm.browser, 
> oldScm.gitTool, oldScm.extensions)
>     it.scm = newScm
>   }
> }
> -----
> Uwe Schindler
> Achterdiek 19, D-28357 Bremen
> eMail:
> From: Uwe Schindler <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2019 11:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [NOTICE] Mandatory migration of git repositories to 
> Ok, thanks Steve for figuring that out. I will fix Policeman.
> Uwe
> Am January 10, 2019 10:25:42 PM UTC schrieb Steve Rowe <>:
> Thanks for bringing this up Cassandra.
> I looked at all the ASF Jenkins jobs' configs yesterday, and they all point 
> to the read-only mirror at git:// .  Yesterday 
> I thought that this would continue to mirror the new gitbox repo, but I guess 
> not? no longer lists lucene-solr.git , but the mirror 
> still appears to exist.
> Infra's Daniel Gruno commented yesterday on 
> : "git.a.o should never be 
> used or trusted as canonical, please. the mirror is _not_ listed on 
> and is not updated there. Use gitbox or github, either will 
> suffice - gitbox is a bit beefier than git-wip was, so it'll play along."
> On Daniel wrote that he 
> removed Hadoop's hidden -- i.e. no longer advertized at 
> -- read-only git.a.o mirror at the project's request.  
> Should we ask for the same thing?
> I'll go fix all the Lucene/Solr jobs' configs on ASF and my Jenkins to point 
> to the gitbox.a.o repo.
> Steve
> On Jan 10, 2019, at 4:28 PM, Cassandra Targett <> wrote:
> This was done yesterday, but it appears that our Jenkins jobs need to be 
> updated? I looked at a couple of Ref Guide builds and doc changes I made 
> yesterday and today aren’t showing up, but it’s hard for me to tell when 
> looking at the other jobs for artifacts to know if that’s true for all the 
> jobs or not.
> Could someone who knows these jobs check?
> I think we have some wiki docs that need to be updated with the new repo 
> address. I’ll get to it eventually unless someone has time sooner.
> Thanks,
> Cassandra
> On Jan 3, 2019, 10:23 AM -0600, David Smiley <>, 
> wrote:
> Good questions Erick; please post as a comment to the issue.
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 11:21 AM Erick Erickson <> 
> wrote:
> +1 and thanks!
> Any time works for me. I assume we'll get some idea of when it'll
> happen, I'm also assuming that the will just
> completely stop working so there's no chance of pushing something to
> the wrong place?
> On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 8:15 AM David Smiley <> wrote:
>  I agree with Uwe's sentiment.  Essentially anywhere in your git remote 
> configuration that refers to will need to change to 
>  open up .git/config to see what I mean.  At your 
> prerogative, you may instead work with GitHub's mirror exclusively -- a new 
> option.  If you want to do that, see which is 
> pretty helpful (do read it no matter what you do), and includes a link to the 
> "account linking page".  Personally, I intend to commit to gitbox but I will 
> also link my accounts as I suspect this will enable more direct use of the 
> GitHub website like closing old pull requests (unconfirmed).
>  On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 10:57 AM Alan Woodward <> wrote:
>  +1, thanks for volunteering David!
>  On 3 Jan 2019, at 15:41, Jan Høydahl <> wrote:
>  +1
>  --
>  Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
>  Cominvent AS -
>  3. jan. 2019 kl. 14:45 skrev David Smiley <>:
>  I propose we (me) coordinate with them to do this transition on Wednesday 
> next week (Jan 9th).  It appears to be a minor inconvenience.  If there are 
> problems, we'll have some work days after to deal with it.  And doing this 
> ahead of the mass migration may give us more individual attention from the 
> busy infra team if there are problems.  Can I get some +1's?
>  On Thu, Jan 3, 2019 at 8:18 AM Apache Infrastructure Team 
> <> wrote:
>  Hello, lucene folks.
>  As stated earlier in 2018, all git repositories must be migrated from
>  the URL to, as the old service
>  is being decommissioned. Your project is receiving this email because
>  you still have repositories on git-wip-us that needs to be migrated.
>  The following repositories on git-wip-us belong to your project:
>   - lucene-solr.git
>  We are now entering the mandated (coordinated) move stage of the roadmap,
>  and you are asked to please coordinate migration with the Apache
>  Infrastructure Team before February 7th. All repositories not migrated
>  on February 7th will be mass migrated without warning, and we'd appreciate
>  it if we could work together to avoid a big mess that day :-).
>  Moving to gitbox means you will get full write access on GitHub as well,
>  and be able to close/merge pull requests and much more.
>  To have your repositories moved, please follow these steps:
>  - Ensure consensus on the move (a link to a thread will
>    suffice for us as evidence).
>  - Create a JIRA ticket at
>  Your migration should only take a few minutes. If you wish to migrate
>  at a specific time of day or date, please do let us know in the ticket.
>  As always, we appreciate your understanding and patience as we move
>  things around and work to provide better services and features for
>  the Apache Family.
>  Should you wish to contact us with feedback or questions, please do so
>  at:
>  With regards,
>  Apache Infrastructure
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>  Lucene/Solr Search Committer (PMC), Developer, Author, Speaker
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> Lucene/Solr Search Committer (PMC), Developer, Author, Speaker
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> Lucene/Solr Search Committer (PMC), Developer, Author, Speaker
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> Uwe Schindler
> Achterdiek 19, 28357 Bremen

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