Hi Developers,

    I am a newbie to solr/lucene project and have some questions about
index hard commit. Excuse me if these have been asked before.

    1. When hard commit happens, will it drain up entries in the index

    2. How exactly is index file written? I.e, will they be written to tmp
dir and moved to the index dir when it completes, or they are written to
the index dir directly. In the later case, if one is reading the index dir,
then it can read incomplete index files.

   3. Similar question to index merge. Will the merge process create merged
file in tmp dir and moved to index dir after merge completes? When are
these files merged deleted? Will these merged files be moved to some
archive dir and cleaned up later or deleted right after the merge?

   The final question is about intellij setup for lucene/solr project. I
followed the steps in doc and it seems that the code browsing/build does
not work well for me. Just want to check that these are steps I need to


    Huaxiang Sun

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