As per my other e-mail, I will _not_ BadApple the tests listed above
as it's unclear whether they're coming from 7x or not.

On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 12:46 PM Erick Erickson <> wrote:
> I've been quite tardy in updating the BadApples, so I'll do it this
> Thursday fer sure.
> Here's the abbreviated list, full output attached.
> Number of AwaitsFix: 48 Number of BadApples: 57
>     MoveReplicaHDFSTest.testFailedMove
>     MoveReplicaHDFSTest.testNormalFailedMove
>     TestControlledRealTimeReopenThread.testCRTReopen
>     TestICUNormalizer2CharFilter.testRandomStrings
>     TestICUTokenizerCJK
>     TestImpersonationWithHadoopAuth.testForwarding
>     TestLTRReRankingPipeline.testDifferentTopN
>     TestRandomChains
>     CdcrBidirectionalTest.testBiDir
>     IndexSizeTriggerTest.testMergeIntegration
>     IndexSizeTriggerTest.testMixedBounds
>     IndexSizeTriggerTest.testSplitIntegration
>     IndexSizeTriggerTest.testTrigger
>     InfixSuggestersTest.testShutdownDuringBuild
>     ShardSplitTest.test
>     ShardSplitTest.testSplitMixedReplicaTypes
>     ShardSplitTest.testSplitWithChaosMonkey
>     TestLatLonShapeQueries.testRandomBig
>     TestRandomChains.testRandomChainsWithLargeStrings
>     TestTriggerIntegration.testSearchRate
> Processing file (History bit 3): HOSS-2019-02-12.csv
> Processing file (History bit 2): HOSS-2019-01-28.csv
> Processing file (History bit 1): HOSS-2019-01-21.csv
> Processing file (History bit 0): HOSS-2019-01-15.csv
> **Annotated tests that didn't fail in the last 4 weeks.
>   **Tests removed from the next two lists because they were specified
> in 'doNotEnable' in the properties file
>      MoveReplicaHDFSTest.testNormalFailedMove
>   **Annotations will be removed from the following tests because they
> haven't failed in the last 4 rollups.
>   **Methods: 38
>    BasicAuthIntegrationTest.testBasicAuth
>    BasicDistributedZkTest.test
>    CdcrBootstrapTest.testConvertClusterToCdcrAndBootstrap
>    ComputePlanActionTest.testNodeAdded
>    ComputePlanActionTest.testNodeLostTriggerWithDeleteNodePreferredOp
>    CustomCollectionTest.testRouteFieldForHashRouter
>    DeleteReplicaTest.deleteReplicaByCountForAllShards
>    DeleteReplicaTest.raceConditionOnDeleteAndRegisterReplica
>    DeleteReplicaTest.raceConditionOnDeleteAndRegisterReplicaLegacy
> LBHttpSolrClientTest.testLBHttpSolrClientHttpClientResponseParserStringArray
>    MathExpressionTest.testMultiVariateNormalDistribution
>    MoveReplicaTest.test
>    MoveReplicaTest.testFailedMove
>    ScheduledTriggerIntegrationTest.testScheduledTrigger
>    ShardSplitTest.testSplitMixedReplicaTypes
>    ShardSplitTest.testSplitMixedReplicaTypesLink
>    SolrRrdBackendFactoryTest.testBasic
>    StreamDecoratorTest.testParallelCommitStream
>    StreamDecoratorTest.testParallelExecutorStream
>    StreamingTest.testParallelMergeStream
>    StreamingTest.testZeroParallelReducerStream
>    TestCloudRecovery.corruptedLogTest
>    TestDistribIDF.testMultiCollectionQuery
>    TestInPlaceUpdatesDistrib.test
>    TestMiniSolrCloudClusterSSL.testSslWithCheckPeerName
>    TestPullReplica.testCreateDelete
>    TestSimGenericDistributedQueue.testDistributedQueue
>    TestSimLargeCluster.testNodeLost
>    TestSimPolicyCloud.testCreateCollectionAddReplica
>    TestSkipOverseerOperations.testSkipDownOperations
>    TestStressInPlaceUpdates.stressTest
>    TestSystemCollAutoCreate.testAutoCreate
>    TestTlogReplica.testCreateDelete
>    TestWithCollection.testAddReplicaWithPolicy
>    TimeRoutedAliasUpdateProcessorTest.test
>    TriggerIntegrationTest.testTriggerThrottling
>    TriggerSetPropertiesIntegrationTest.testSetProperties
>    ZkShardTermsTest.testParticipationOfReplicas
> ********Failures in Hoss' reports for the last 4 rollups.
> There were 347 unannotated tests that failed in Hoss' rollups. Ordered
> by the date I downloaded the rollup file, newest->oldest. See above
> for the dates the files were collected
> These tests were NOT BadApple'd or AwaitsFix'd
> All tests that failed 4 weeks running will be BadApple'd unless there
> are objections
> Failures in the last 4 reports..
>    Report   Pct     runs    fails           test
>      0123  11.1       33      9      HdfsRestartWhileUpdatingTest.test
>      0123  13.2      136     17      HdfsUnloadDistributedZkTest.test
>      0123  46.2       60     18      
> LIROnShardRestartTest.testAllReplicasInLIR
>      0123  23.1       60      8
> LIROnShardRestartTest.testSeveralReplicasInLIR
>      0123   2.7     1531     53      LeaderTragicEventTest.test
>      0123   1.6     1495     11      MathExpressionTest.testGammaDistribution
>      0123   0.4     1493      6      OverseerRolesTest.testOverseerRole
>      0123  11.1      129     15      StressHdfsTest.test
>      0123   0.4     1486      6
> TestCloudSearcherWarming.testRepFactor1LeaderStartup
>      0123   1.2     1522     13      TestSimExtremeIndexing.testScaleUp
> ************ Will BadApple all tests above this line except ones
> listed at the top**************

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