On 3/19/2019 12:22 PM, Adrien Grand wrote:
Now that Lucene/Solr 8.0 has shipped I'd like us to consider requiring
Java 11 for 9.0, currently the master branch. We had 18 months between
7.0 and 8.0, so if we assume a similar interval between 8.0 and 9.0
that would mean releasing 9.0 about 2 years after Java 11, which
sounds like a conservative requirement to me.

What advantages to we get as developers with Java 11? I haven't been following the advancements and don't know anything about what's new. I knew a little bit of what Java 8 provided over Java 7, so I was more informed the last time we did this.

I see a short list of possible reasons we might want to adjust the minimum:

1) Java 11 makes life significantly better for us (committers, contributors, casual code watchers) or significantly improves the user experience at runtime.
2) Achieving compatibility with 11 breaks compat with Java 8.
3) If a functional OpenJDK 8 becomes significantly difficult to obtain.
4) If it becomes difficult to produce binaries compatible with 8.
5) Our dependencies increase their minimum Java version.

If none of those applies, then continuing to provide compatibility with Java 8 seems like a good idea.

It does seem likely that at least one of the things in the list above will occur in the next year or two ... and if it does, then I would be all for it.


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