Somebody showed up in #solr and asked about configuring multiple CDCR destinations. They referenced somewhere that somebody had mentioned setting up multiple handlers, one for each destination.

I have never used CDCR. I checked the documentation, and it looks like it's configured using a request handler, so the idea of using multiple handlers seemed like it might be a good option.

Then I wondered whether the /cdcr handler name was hard-coded anywhere in the code. So I did a search with the master branch loaded into eclipse.

I found three places where that URL path seems to be hard-coded.


Even if there are not multiple destinations, having this URL path hard-coded seems like a really bad idea. For obfuscation purposes, somebody might want to change that URL path, maybe to something like /cloudcopy instead of /cdcr.

Should I create a new issue in Jira? Seems like that's probably a good idea.


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