
I’d _really_ like this all to be in one place, so fire away. We’ve spent far 
too much time working with clients and wondering “where the hell are the 
timeouts for XYZ?”

IMO, they should _all_ be configurable in a single place, preferably sorl.xml. 
If you’re ambitious, a few comments in solr.xml about what the various 
parameters actually control would be super-welcome.


> On May 5, 2019, at 11:39 AM, Kevin Risden <> wrote:
> You might be interested in:
> Kevin Risden
> On Sun, May 5, 2019 at 1:35 PM Gus Heck <> wrote:
> I'm working with a client that's trying to process a lot of data (billions of 
> docs) via a streaming expression, and the initial query is (not surprisingly) 
> taking a long time. Lots of various types of timeouts have been cropping up 
> and I've found myself thinking I solved some only to discover that the 
> settings in solr.xml are far less wide reaching than I thought initially. The 
> present 5% scale cluster seems to hit one particular time out about 50% of 
> the time which has made it particularly confusing. I'm guessing it's probably 
> depending on something like how busy the virtualization in Amazon is, just 
> barely making it when it gets more resources and timing out if anything is 
> starved. 
> As I look around the code base I'm finding a LOT of places where timeouts on 
> SolrClients and CloudSolrClients are just arbitrarily set to one-off constant 
> values. The one bugging me right now is 
> public abstract class SolrClientBuilder<B extends SolrClientBuilder<B>> {
>   protected HttpClient httpClient;
>   protected ResponseParser responseParser;
>   protected Integer connectionTimeoutMillis = 15000;
>   protected Integer socketTimeoutMillis = 120000;
> Which I am unable to change because of this code in SolrStream:
>   /**
>   * Opens the stream to a single Solr instance.
>   **/
>   public void open() throws IOException {
>     if(cache == null) {
>       client = new HttpSolrClient.Builder(baseUrl).build();
>     } else {
>       client = cache.getHttpSolrClient(baseUrl);
>     }
> I need to make this particular case configurable, so that I can get results 
> from a very long running query, but I sense that there is a much wider 
> problem in that we don't seem to have any organized plan for how socket 
> timeouts are set/managed in the code.
> What thoughts have people had on this front? 
> -Gus
> -- 
> (work)
> (play)

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