
As I'm quite new as a committer, I want to make sure I follow the right 
I have several Jira's with patches that I feel are ready for commit.
They have tests which pass, but there has been limited peer review despite 
requests for such in the issues themselves.

These are the issues I plan to commit shortly. Would be great to get thumbs 
up/down from more senior committers:

SOLR-2741: Bugs in facet range display in trunk
These are bug-fixes on previously committed SOLR-2383 code in trunk.

SOLR-2383: Velocity: Generalize range and date facet display
I plan to commit the patch SOLR-2383-branch_3x.patch which is a backport to 3x, 
including the improvements from SOLR-2741

SOLR-2540: CommitWithin as an Update Request parameter
This gives &commitWithin=xxx capabilities to XML-URH, CSV-URH and 
Extracting-URH (similar to what's in Binary-URH and JSON-URH already)
I plan to commit this both to trunk and 3x

SOLR-2742: Add commitWithin to convenience signatures for SolrServer.add(..)
This one simply introduces convenience signatures in SolrJ to more easily 
specify commitWithin on ADDs
I plan to commit this both to trunk and 3x

Thanks for any feedback on any of these!

Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
Cominvent AS - www.cominvent.com
Solr Training - www.solrtraining.com

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