Looking forward to it, and thanks a lot for your effort. Excited!

On Sat, 8 Jun, 2019, 4:29 AM Mark Miller, <markrmil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Since I have heard no objection, I've continued working on moving the
> project from ant+ivy+maven to gradle.
> At this point I've contributed significant time to this project. I hope
> everyone has taken the time to consider this change and their possible
> concerns. I don't want to beat a dead horse, but there is too much effort
> involved to get caught up at the end.
> There is still a lot to do, it's not going to happen tomorrow, but many,
> many things are done.
> The performance of the build in comparison to what we had will astonish
> you on good hardware.
> Even comparing to your experience with the majority of maven builds, this
> will be *significantly* faster. This is without using the gradle build
> cache or paying proper attention to task uptodate properties.
> There are considerable improvements and benefits we can reap from this
> change, but the sheer speed has made the development experience for me way
> more enjoyable.
> My goal is to take us from a very powerful but complicated and slow and
> clunky and dense build to what is essentially a modern top tier build
> experience in power, performance, integrity and ease of use.
> I've made significant progress over the past month or so, but it will
> likely take me another 2-4 before I plan on having something I'd considered
> ready for prime time 9x duties.
> I'll take the time needed to get things right, hopefully everyone else
> will take the time to help with a transition when that time comes.
> My hope is that version 9 is the first built with gradle. We can consider
> it being available on 8 as well, but I don't think it makes sense to
> release 8x versions with gradle. I think we should only consider the gradle
> build on 8x as a developer convenience and it would be on the users of it
> to address keeping it up to date with changes on the ant build as problems
> arise. Depending on the time, it may not even make sense to put effort here.
> This weekend I'm wrapping up some work on making our dependency management
> headache more transparent. I think we can make a lot of improvements on
> understanding what is in our build and why and what is published or shipped
> where and why.
> --
> - Mark
> http://about.me/markrmiller

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