TL;DR: Uwe: can you please upgrade the jdk-11 used on the apache lucene jenkis jobs and your policeman jenkins jobs to 11.0.3 ?


Dat & I have (coincidently) found ourselves both looking into some (long standing) SSL weirdness that has only ever manifested on java>=11.

Details can be found in SOLR-12988 & SOLR-12990 but the long and short of it is there are at least 2 known OpenJDK bugs in SSL that have been fixed in 11.0.3, which we are seeing evidence of in jenkins builds using 11.0.2.... / JDK-8220723

(The nature of these bugs makes it hard -- at least AFAICT -- to try to write any "assume" logic to auto-detect if they apply to the current JVM.)

There may in fact still be other SSL related bugs in jdk 11.0.3, but it will be hard to know until we at least upgrade to 11.0.3 to see what still fails.

Uwe / whomever has access: if you could help us out here it would be appreciated.


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