Yes, it's all in the gradle branch, locally. I would like to take it out
and put in master before moving forward with the gradle branch.

It's not a tiny amount to digest unfortunately, but the results are pretty

I've opened an issue here: SOLR-13796: Fix Solr Test Performance

I have a bunch to finish up and cleanup and I've taken the approach of
paring back hard so I can add back slowly and see what needs to stay out of
fast test runs.

I'd like to not have this stay outstanding for long though - which puts me
in a tough spot, but what can you do. I plan to push a new branch next to
the Gradle branch even sooner so maybe I can start getting feedback earlier.

I'll be honest, I might have cut a sacred cow or two, you'll probably freak
out about a couple things. We can address those, I would have done more but
I'm more limited by the speed of input and number of classes than will to

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 12:22 PM Chris Hostetter <>

> : In the end I fixed a bunch more bs, pulled in a bunch of improvements and
> : fixes around tests from the Starburst branch that had not come over yet,
> : and have generally been wrapping my magic lasso around this test suite. A
> : bunch of that includes stuff in the code that was causing test problems
> or
> : slowness. I've put a lot of emphasis on moving actual slow stuff
> : to @Nightly runs and fixing not actual slow stuff.
>         ...
> : I'd like to get it out of my gradle branch and into master before moving
> in
> : Gradle, so I plan to put up a PR when I can in the near future and am
> : hoping for some help with review.
> So if i understand correctly: You've got a bunch of stuff on your gradle
> branch that is general test improvements/refactoring not dependent on or
> directly related to the ant->gradle migration at all; and as such you
> (wisely) want to review & commit it independently of the gradle migration.
> correct?
> I'm 100% on board helping to review & test those changes if you wnat to
> tease it out into it's own branch / PR ... just ping me once you have a
> jira so I don't miss it.
> -Hoss

- Mark

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