Hello, Community members:

I am using Solr 7.7.2.
On the other day, while indexing to the Solr, my computer powered off.
As a result, there are corrupted segment files.

Is there any way to fix the corrupted segment files without re-indexing?

I have read a blog post (in Japanese) writing about checkIndex method which
can be used to determine/fix corrupted segment files, but when I tried to
run the following command, I got the error message.
So, I am not sure if checkIndex can actually fix the index files.

java -cp lucene-core-7.7.2.jar -ea:org.apache.lucene...
org.apache.lucene.index.CheckIndex solr/server/solr/basic_copy/data/index

ERROR: unexpected extra argument '-fix'

If anybody knows about either a way to fix corrupted segment files or a way
to use checkIndex '-fix' option correctly, could you please let me know?

Any clue will be very appreciated.

Kaya Ota

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