bq. For most things (running tests, sha checks, etc.) the dependency JARs don't 
have to be copied to the project (and why should they be). 


bq. The only exception is packaging final distribution. 

I’ve really got to disagree here when it comes to Solr. I dive into and out of 
building/running Solr many times a day. Having to package it all up then 
explode it just to check something and/or explore a problem is a waste.

And at this point I don’t see how to start Solr at all. Even if I execute the 
“packageDist” task and produce a tgz and zip file, when those are exploded the 
../solr/bin directory isn’t there, so no ../solr/bin/solr script to start an 
instance etc. 

So what it looks like to me is that the work has been done on running tests (a 
big job to be sure), but there’s nothing yet that’ll allow us to actually run 
Solr, either in a distro or as part of development. Perhaps making it work for 
the distro will also fix the development need. Of course I may be missing some 
obvious target, wouldn’t be the first time.

I’m open to working on Solr differently than I’m accustomed to, but I have to 
be able to make a change to Solr and then start Solr using that change 
conveniently. Going through the cycle of having to package it up and explode it 
just to do that is unacceptable.

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