I like this new version. This clarifies the review, commit and CHANGES. As
a beginner in this process, it helps.

I appreciate the idea to have a "risk" section where we could list and say
a few words about some risky areas so that the contributor can announce
they might be impacted in reviews.

Le ven. 29 nov. 2019 à 16:06, David Smiley <david.w.smi...@gmail.com> a
écrit :

> The commit policy / guideline document is basically 95% there and I don't
> want to wait longer to get input.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/LUCENE/Commit+Policy+-+DRAFT
> If you log-in, you can comment on the document in-line as Jan has already
> done.  Such feedback is good for details.  For more substantive or high
> level feedback, this email thread probably makes more sense.
> The policy/guideline document insists on reviews but gives broad
> exceptions for reviews and defines a very low bar for reviews -- basically
> mere "approval" from *anyone* and that didn't necessarily look at the
> code.  Yet this is a higher bar than today.
> Also, I hope this is not controversial but I want the same definition of
> minor/trival matters to be used for (A) when a JIRA issue is not needed
> either, and (B) not bothering with a CHANGES.txt entry.  I observe that
> today we seemingly have a JIRA issue for *everything*, and I find that
> onerous and is yet another barrier for contributors of such small matters.
> For example https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-13926 which just
> adds javadocs.  Also I think we add too many items to CHANGES.txt... lots
> of people read this and it's a collective waste of our time IMO to mention
> that some test was fixed.
> All feedback is very welcome!
> ~ David

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