Same goes for TestPackedInts. Currently test runs containing ZGC or
Shenandoah garbage collectors don't reflect the test itself. Please don't
disable them.

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 12:38 PM Robert Muir <> wrote:

> We shouldn't disable Test2BPostings since there is nothing wrong with the
> test: this is one impacted by bugs in the Shenandoah and ZGC garbage
> collectors. See the other threads on the dev-list about them.
> On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 10:47 AM Erick Erickson <>
> wrote:
>> Short form:
>> There were 1480 unannotated tests that failed in Hoss' rollups. Ordered
>> by the date I downloaded the rollup file, newest->oldest. See above for the
>> dates the files were collected
>> These tests were NOT BadApple'd or AwaitsFix'd
>> All tests that failed 4 weeks running will be BadApple'd unless there are
>> objections
>> Failures in the last 4 reports..
>>    Report   Pct     runs    fails           test
>>      0123   2.4     1031     36
>> LegacyCloudClusterPropTest.testCreateCollectionSwitchLegacyCloud
>>      0123   0.9     1042     17      RollingRestartTest.test
>>      0123   0.9     1054     23
>> SystemCollectionCompatTest.testBackCompat
>>      0123  18.9      127     23      Test2BPostings.test
>>      0123   0.3     1037     36
>> TestCloudSearcherWarming.testRepFactor1LeaderStartup
>>      0123   1.3     1090     51
>> TestModelManagerPersistence.testFilePersistence
>>      0123   1.6     1089     50
>> TestModelManagerPersistence.testWrapperModelPersistence
>>      0123   0.3     1123      4      TestPackedInts.testPackedLongValues
>>      0123   0.9     1029      9
>> TestQueryingOnDownCollection.testQueryToDownCollectionShouldFailFast
>>      0123   0.3     1036     12
>> TestSkipOverseerOperations.testSkipLeaderOperations
>>      0123   2.3     1072     25      TestStressLiveNodes.testStress
>>      0123  52.3      155     50
>> TestXYMultiPolygonShapeQueries.testRandomBig
>> ************ Will BadApple all tests above this line except ones listed
>> at the top**************
>> full report attached:
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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