Agreed this is great and difficult work, Ilan. Thanks so much for taking it on.

I wonder if some of this maybe should end up in Javadocs? If those classes 
don’t say what they’re doing or seem incomplete (and I have no idea what they 
say about themselves) then we should consider maybe using some of this to 
improve that?

I don’t have much to say about the content - I might understand this all better 
if I read a doc like this though! - except to reply to David’s question to me:
On Apr 23, 2020, 2:36 PM -0500, David Smiley <>, wrote:

> This is "developer documentation".  Cassandra:  I see you created 
> solr/dev-docs/ and I suppose this would best belong there?  Mark Miller had 
> tried Confluence.  Pros/cons there.  I want to ensure readers of the code in 
> Overseer (and maybe other key class or two) notice this dev documentation.  
> Should I add a http link to the GitHub location of the dev doc markdown, or 
> do you recommend something else?

Well, I added the directories but I didn’t just make it up - we had a thread in 
the Dev list about doing it and since no one else moved to make it happen and I 
had some internal docs to write when I handed off PMC chair to Anshum, I did 
it. But besides being what we already said we wanted to do, I think it should 
go in our source code for at least all the same reasons we put the Ref Guide in 
the source - that’s where we already are, that’s where contributors need to be, 
and we can ensure the docs are properly relevant to the versions via our 
branching approach.

I have a Google Docs add-on which can convert Google docs to Asciidoc format, 
which for a document this complex I would recommend as a format. The add-on is 
not going to do this doc perfectly, but will get 50% or more the way there. I’d 
be willing to give it a try, but if people want a mix of Asciidoc + Markdown 
formatted files and want to convert this to Markdown, by all means go for it.

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