As of my push a few minutes ago, Gradle compiling on 9x  WILL FAIL if there are 
any warnings in the code. See LUCENE-9411. I’ve finally finished suppressing 
over 8,000 warnings in Solr, so could check this in. Many thanks to Dawid for 
helping me with the Gradle parts. The goal now is to not add any _more_ 
SuppressWarnings if at all possible. I hope we can start taking the 
suppressions out when we’re working on code, so when working on code please 
consider removing some of them.

I was hoping that we could also fail ant builds, but there are some tricky 
dependencies in third party code that weren’t easy to resolve in the ant world 
due to licensing issues, if you’re interested in details, see the JIRA or ping 
me on Slack. One consequence of this is that 8x will NOT fail on warnings, 
neither will Ant builds on 9x. If someone wants to try working that out, please 
feel free but I’m just really tired of banging my head against that wall.

So please, Please, PLEASE start compiling 9x with Gradle or cover your ears to 
keep from hearing me complain. And I’ve been taking lessons from my 3 1/2 year 
old grandson on doing that LOUDLY.

About SuppressWarnings. There were so many of them that there was no hope of 
actually fixing the underlying causes in one go. I’ve enhanced the BadApples 
report to start reporting on the number of SuppressWarnings in each file week 
to week when they increase or decrease. I’ll be nudging people if the number of 
SuppressWarnings starts going up, starting Monday. I can’t help but think 
understanding generics will be improved by working through new warnings.

A couple of side notes for IntelliJ users (IDK about other IDEs, but I’d be 
surprised if there weren’t similar capabilities):

- When you just open the project, Gradle is automatically configured. There’s 
no need to execute the “gradlew idea” task.

- You can execute tasks in IntelliJ _really easily_ by clicking on them in the 
gradle window, it’s on the extreme right. It seems much more robust than trying 
the same thing in Ant.

-- The “assemble” task will bring up a convenient window showing errors 
(including warnings) that you can click on and get right to the offending code. 
“classes” and “testClasses” are also very useful tasks to execute in this 

- The “inspections” in IntelliJ point out a lot of things, but not anything 
with SuppressWarnings. It may be worth coming to consensus on which inspections 
are worth enabling. And perhaps distributing a configuration. For instance, do 
we really care for inspections reporting “blah could be final”? They’re 
highlighted in yellow in my setup, and I’ve done nothing special. Spend some 
time looking at those when you’re working on code… the number of “method may 
return null” inspections is scary. Have we’ve ever had the released code 
generate an NPE or anything like that <snark/>.

- Please do NOT suppress the _inspections_ in IntelliJ. One of the choices 
IntelliJ offers is to suppress an inspection, and it adds a 
“suppressInspection” comment to the source code specific to IntelliJ. This is 
different than Javas’s SuppressWarnings, and we shouldn’t include comments in 
the code specific to a particular IDE.

- The motivation here is that we need all the help from the compiler we can get 
when it comes to as large and complex a code base as Lucene/Solr. Yes, it feels 
constraining. Yes, it means we won’t feel as productive because we have to take 
time to address things we’ve been ignoring. The leap of faith is that if we 
spend a bit of time up front, we can avoid having to spend a lot _more_ time 
fixing errors later in the release cycle. The time it takes to fix a problem 
goes up exponentially the farther down the cycle it’s caught. Fixing something 
when developing may take T minutes. Some time later when test start failing, it 
takes T*X. And when you consider community-wide implications of releasing code, 
getting feedback from the field, filing a JIRA, trying to reproduce the 
problem, checking the code, and pushing a fix, the cost of fixing something 
after it’s released goes up enormously. I’m not saying that addressing all the 
complaints something like IntelliJ’s inspections show will magically make it 
unnecessary to make point releases, but avoiding just a few is a win.  <rant/>

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